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The Khan hits the griddy and then fucking dies [STELLARIS MP]


Community Events






This will be heavily themed event based taking place in the highly acclaimed Real Tim Strategy game Stellaris, in which players will seek to guide their own nations on the path Galactic Exploration, Discovery, Commerce, Diplomacy and Conquest. This event may be a one-off or a repeated affair, depending on interest. However, to prevent some of the typical issues with Stellaris multiplayer  games, there will be some guidelines for behavior in the event to assist with the flow of events. These are not intended to force a particular outcome or victor in the game's conclusion, and if anyone has a suggestion for additional rulings, please feel free to make suggestions in the comments.





Nations are being broken up according to government type to ensure a balance of government types and playstyles within the game session. Only a certain number of each type of government may be made and details will be filled in once each player has created their nation and filled in their details.

Details Template: 


  • Empire Name: Phaeron Empire
  • Government Type:
  • Species Name: Sautekh
  • Species: Necroid.
  • Origin: Necrophage.
  • Ethics: Egalitarian Militarist.
  • Notes: Story Fluff here.


Government Types:

Democratic: image.png.9e8ea92dd857e9a24cd1b123023c22a8.png

Player: @Monocled Badger

  • Empire Name: People's Republic of Alaria
  • Species Name: Alaria (Alaria / Alarian)
  • Species: Humanoid
  • Origin: Broken Shackles
  • Ethics: Fanatic Egalitarian, Xenophile
  • Notes:

    Having been stolen away from our ancestral home of which few remember, we found bonds in our bonds. Rebelling against our would be oppressors after several years of travelling through space to be trafficked or worse, we decided to find a new world for ourselves and start over. This time we decided to start anew, breaking the cycle of hatred and oppression to attempt at creating a paradise for all. Harmony with nature and each other.

    The more you share, the more your bowl will be plentiful

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:


Oligarchic: image.png.a462a0923a994b1476539e1d2f35d9aa.png

Player: @Prometheus13

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:

Dictatorial: image.png.0f5ca30d97bae19f7650aad634665ad9.png

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:


Imperial: image.png.d9e697cf3f723be963f681b4b51a04cf.png

Player: @Jerichron

  • Empire Name: The Ryujin Empire
  • Species Name: Ryujin
  • Species: Avian
  • Origin: Teachers of the Shroud
  • Ethics: Xenophobe, Fanatic Spiritualist.
  • Notes:

Player: @Spartan_MiniMe

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:


Hive Mind: image.png.05309edf77819011b07a0735a826c37a.png

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:


Machine Intelligence: image.png.2491f5853831ddcf799d8712c18eb021.png

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:


Corporate: image.png.28cb4dbe93c6be4f8702a45009540234.png

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:

Player: OPEN

  • Empire Name:
  • Species Name:
  • Species:
  • Origin:
  • Ethics:
  • Notes:





  1. There will be a ten minute break after every 50 mins of play. If players fail to return with a 5 min grace period after breaks they will be removed from the session.
  2. No METAGaming Pregame Alliances or Exploits.
  3. The Host in order to retain the ability to host the game may have their capital taken by domination but may not be eliminated from the game. If the host has clearly lost they will refrain from pursuing victory types and will concede if it is clear they have lost.
  4. All players are required to play on the same Difficulty settings.
  5. Nation details must be finished before the event date to help speed up the start process. 
  6. ***New Since last event:*** If another player posts their Nation details in full and reserves it before you have finished posting yours, their reservation will take precedence after 24 hours have passed After the new DLC releases. In such a case, your reservation will be overwritten.
  7. One change to players Nation may be made before the Event Day following which Players will be required to play their Nation as listed on the Event.
  8. Players if deemed necessary due to game balance must accept modification to their Empire prior to the game and during to ensure a fair experience to all players (Changes may be but are not limited to, Caps on Naval Size, Science Output), Vassal Limit). this event is not intended to be a dedicated competitive match.


  1. Players until encountered may not discuss with each other their location in game.
  2. Players are not allowed to destroy other player's nations before the the Galactic Senate is formed.
  3. ***New Since last event:*** Federations may not exceed two Empires in membership and their vassals association status is not permitted (We will talk about this before the event). 
    1. Federations must be formed from Galactic neighbours
  4. ***New Since last event:***  Only two (We will talk about this before the event) player may make use of the Become The Crisis Ascension perk Whether the old crisis path or the new one. The event host however must first be messaged of a players intent to make use of this gameplay path and may be told by the host if they can or cannot depending on if another player is already doing so. The host may not act with any indication of awareness of if an Crisis player exists in the game until the knowledge is discovered by other players.
  5. Crystal-Infused and Crystal-Forged Plating is not permitted.
  6. Proton Launchers / Kinetic batteries are not permitted until after the year 2250.






Game Settings:

  • Galaxy Size: Huge(1000 Stars).
  • Galaxy Shape: Elliptical.
  • Empire Placement: Random.
  • Difficulty: Ensign.
  • Crisis Strength: 15x.
  • Crisis Type: Random.
  • Habitable Worlds: 1x.
  • All other Settings Standard.






  • Host: Jerichron
  • Password: On Request
  • Modset: Pending...



Recommended Comments


Posted (edited)

Malmryan Martial Corps (MMC)

  • Government Type: Dictatorial
  • Species Name: Malmryan (Malmaryans / Malmrii)
  • Species: Reptilian
  • Origin: Overtuned
  • Ethics: Fanatic Xenophobe, Pacifist
  • Notes:
    • The Martial Corps developed out of a desire to prevent hostile incursion on the planet, following a series of UFO sightings on Shazuu.
    • This, plus a good amount of GMOs, the completion of the mapping of the Malmyrii Genome Project and a propensity for shagging like RABBITS on a good amount of preworkout and blue pills meant that they achieved spaceflight and the first working prototypes of the hyperdrive at good pace. Set loose upon the galaxy to procreate like never before, the Malmyrans are set to take their place amongst the stars.
    • But hopefully there's no Xenos cause icky icky


Edited by Deltabacon
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Posted (edited)

Oligarchic please.

Covenant of Sinrak (srry accidentally made a new post instead of editing this one)

Edited by Prometheus13
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Monocled Badger


People's Republic of Alaria

  • Government Type: Democratic 
  • Species Name: Alaria (Alaria / Alarian)
  • Species: Humanoid
  • Origin: Broken Shackles
  • Ethics: Fanatic Egalitarian, Xenophile


Having been stolen away from our ancestral home of which few remember, we found bonds in our bonds. Rebelling against our would be oppressors after several years of travelling through space to be trafficked or worse, we decided to find a new world for ourselves and start over. This time we decided to start anew, breaking the cycle of hatred and oppression to attempt at creating a paradise for all. Harmony with nature and each other.

The more you share, the more your bowl will be plentiful


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Posted (edited)

Covenant of Sinrak

  • Government Type: Oligarchic
  • Species Name: Seraphi (Seraphi / Seraphian)
  • Species: Reptilian
  • Origin: Prosperous Unification
  • Ethics: Authoritarian, Spiritualist, Pacifist

Terrible war after terrible war left our planet of Sinja-buv weakened, then when those that remained again started squabbling, the wise and holy of them banded together in covenants and ventured to show the planet's people the error of their ways. They adopted the name of our sun: Sinrak, the great gift left by our gods to observe our every triumph and failing, the final judge of our worthiness. Thus they were known as "the Covenants of Sinrak" and they travelled the world to convey their idea's.

Many listened but inevitably they encountered resistance, those too arrogant or weak-minded to release and share their power for the benefit of all. These holdouts were asked, negotiated with, begged and at last threatened but it seemed words were not enough, with the last war still in the memory of the older generations the decision was a reluctant and painful one but it seemed force was necessary to unite the planet at last. 

By this point in time the Covenants had gained such influence on the planet the holdouts were already outnumbered and the willingness to actually fight convinced a few more holdouts to surrender to overwhelming force, then only the most stubborn remained. "The Thorns" the covenants dubbed them and once they were removed they said, Sinrak would find us worthy.

It did not take long before the thorns were removed the history books say, those of the covenants that dirtied their hands with war once again exiled themselves and those left combined their influence, knowledge and power to become the one true "Covenant of Sinrak" and under their strict guidance would Sinja-buv prosper without war. 

Screenshot 2025-02-04 202812.png

Edited by Prometheus13
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