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Rhea's Repeated Revelry

Community Events

Event details


Buy me Dinner Event

On this special edition of Rhea's Repeated Revelry we will be testing out something new.




You do not need to participate in the "buy me dinner" event to enjoy the RRR event!

Your area must have UberEats, Doordash, Postmates, Deliveroo, or JustEat to participate in the "buy me dinner" portion of the event

You must at least hold a regular rank to participate in the "buy me dinner" portion of the event

If you do not want to share your address with me and another randomly picked FK Gaming member it's perfectly fine to partner up on your own. 

To keep things simple dinners will not include a beverage - absolutely no alcohol! 

@Rhea may refuse any person from participating in this event for any reason


How it works: 

1. Fill out the information card below and send it to @Rhea

  • Forum Name:
  • Address you'd like your dinner delivered to:
  • Dietary requirements: (allergies, food sensitivities)
  • Dietary preferences: (Italian, no spicy foods)


2. An hour before main begins you will be given someone else's information card (we will try to match it up by location)

3. You may spend £15 maximum (or the countries equivalent there of) to £10 minimum for a meal to send to your dinner recipient

(You must put in best effort to find something the person will ENJOY. There is a time and a place for a fun troll- this is not it.) 

4. Before placing the order message your dinner buddy to ensure they are able to receive the delivery at that time. Order the food whenever both parties agree that it is convenient. 

5. If after main you have not been messaged by your dinner orderer please poke @Rhea on TS

6. Before eating your dinner- be sure to share a photo of it to this event page! 



Rhea's Repeated Revelry will continue on as normal for those not interested in the dinner portion of the event. Please read the rules below if you plan on attending. If you have any suggestions for games to play during the event please comment them down below! 

Rhea's Repeated Revelry Rules:

1. Regulate your alcohol consumption - if you're too drunk you'll be asked to switch to water, if you don't get the hint and sober up a little you will be asked to take a break, if you still don't sober up you will be removed from team speak for 8 hours 

2. Games will be chosen by popular demand (straw poll) if you do not want to play the game chosen, or do not have it - you're welcome to spectate but do not throw a hissy fit. If we want to break up the room and play multiple games we can, but all drunk games need to be hosted in locked rooms (to make a locked room ask any staff member or veteran)

3. If you are drunk and participating in these events DO NOT go up into the main TS rooms and interfere with other games/conversations. Once you've taken your first drink you are to quarantine yourself to the locked event rooms (or afk/quiet room) for the entirety of your inebriation. 

4. Should go without saying but all instructions from staff are to be followed. If a staff member asks you to step away from your computer for a moment- do so. If you are asked to lower your voice - do it. Staff volunteer to ensure everyone has an enjoyable experience on FK. If you're disturbing someone else's enjoyment a staff member shouldn't have to point out an exact rule to ask you to knock it off. 

5. Webcams can be shown via discord. Please keep it PG or risk a permanent ban. No one will be pressured into turning on their webcam for any reason. 

6. No one will be pressured to drink! If you'd like to enjoy playing with a bunch of drunk idiots while sober then more power to you. 

7. During the event no one underage (under 18 years of age) will be openly drinking. Moderators can and will ban for up to 24 hours if a member known to be underage is openly drinking. We do not condone underage drinking in FK

8. To keep this event safe for all involved designated "water breaks" will be announced. Games will be paused for 15 min breaks hourly. This will allow attendees a moment to get a glass of water, and/or visit the bathroom. 

9. If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong. If your reaction to alcohol is to get angry, or depressed please do not drink. Just because others are drinking doesn't mean you have to partake. You can have an enjoyable night without alcohol.

10. There will be no recording or streaming. Period.


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