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  3. Jerichron

    Unforeseen Consequences #8 [1st Main]


    Slot Reservations are now closed. See you all at the Event.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Veagance

    Unforeseen Consequences #8 [1st Main]


    Delta tl please, tags
  6. Last week
  7. kMaN



    Yay! It's on a Sunday so I might be able to play!!
  8. Mingy

    Unforeseen Consequences #8 [1st Main]


    Delta SL please, no tags
  9. LurkerOne



    Alpha Spartan
  10. Mingy



    Alpha Spartan pls
  11. TheSalader



    Alpha Spartan pls
  12. AntiMatter



    Platoon sniper please, have sniper tags
  13. Melo

    Unforeseen Consequences #8 [1st Main]


    Pltn lead please no tags
  14. Sarissa


    OPERATION SLINGSHOT KHOLO, EQUINOX SYSTEM GAMMA COMPANY, ONI NAVSPECWAR SECTION III ++MISSION BRIEFING++ “Die? Don’t you know? Spartans Never Die.” - Lieutenant Commander Kurt-051 Mission Summary: 2 months ago we lost the fight on Kholo. 3 weeks after that the Covenant glassed the planet and we lost all communication with the scattered forces we had left. Last week we learned the Covvies are still maintaining a presence on the planet and an Oni Prowler picked up faint signals from an underground research centre that was sending a mayday signal. Records show that the site was a repository for data looking into those ancient ruins we've found on Colonies across space. For some unknown reason, the Covenant want that data and have been trying to get their hands on it. We can't risk a conventional deployment; there's a Supercarrier lurking on the fringes of the system; so the decision was made to deploy Gamma Company in a Swift Strike mission. Orders have come down from on high from ONI command. We're deploying from a pair of Prowler Frigates using long-range stealth HEVs. Once dirtside, resupply will be limited and reinforcements even more so. But this is where Spartans excel. Secure an LZ; make your way to the target site. Secure any data you can and torch the rest On your way out disrupt Covenant operations near Karambit Base. Extract will be by via Pelicans launched from the Prowlers. We only have one shot at this, there is no room for error. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) MAX MISSION SIZE OF 28 PLAYERS - ALL SLOTS RESERVABLE THIS IS A 1x RESPAWN WAVE MISSION! PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: Force Commander (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN Force 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Corpsman (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN PLTN Sniper (PRPHT TAGS, Specialist) @AntiMatter ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: OPEN 3x Alpha Spartan-III: @TheSalader, @Mingy, @LurkerOne Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha AT Operator: OPEN 3x Alpha Spartan-III: OPEN, OPEN, OPEN BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: OPEN 3x Bravo Spartan-III: OPEN, OPEN, OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo AT Operator: OPEN 3x Bravo Spartan-III: OPEN, OPEN, OPEN ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Operation Trebuchet and OpTre First Contact mods are permitted. Weapon list is in effect; see below. 1 MG Gunner can swap their Machine Gun for a handheld Grenade Launcher at the Squad Lead's discretion. PLTN can chose one of two types of uniform/equipment. This will either be the Hao Reach version of Marines or the Halo 3 version. See below for details & examples. Each squad may use the M41SSR Rocket Launcher. This is HAT but is permitted to be used like MAT. Magazine size limit is raised to 60 rounds (to accommodate the larger rifle/SMG magazines e.g. MA5B) EMP grenades can be taken for Underslung grenade launchers - limited to 3 per GL. Thermal scopes are permitted if operating as a DMR or Prophet element - usual magnification rules apply. 122mm throwable explosives are not permitted. Throwable explosives/incendiaries/Molotov's are limited to 1 per person. HUDs (from OPTRE) are permitted and encouraged. Explosive ammunitions is prohibited unless playing as a PROHPET element (separate or imbedded) UNSC Special Forces (ODSTs and Spartans) have the following rules: One MG per squad may be exchanged for the M247H Heavy MG Two primary weapons may be taken using Webknights 2 primaries mod. AT Operator may choose to use the Spartan Laser. If playing as Colonial Police, riot shield primaries may be taken. ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. RIFLES/PRIMARIES - permitted for all riflemen: BR55, BR45, M295, M392, M45, M7 (Full ODST M7 upgrades may be taken), MA32, MA37, MA3A, MA40, MA5B, VK78 SIDEARMS - permitted for all: M6B, M6D, M6G, Knives MGs: M73, M247, M247H SPARTAN GEAR: Mjolnir Undersuit Any choice of Spartan III armours (please note that there is a "HUMAN" and "SPARTAN" variant - use the spartan one (this changes the sizing of the model) --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request MODSET LINK
  15. Phenosi

    Unforeseen Consequences #8 [1st Main]


    Unqualified Minds would like to attend this one as well!
  16. AntiMatter

    Unforeseen Consequences #8 [1st Main]


    Prophet sniper please have tags
  17. Earlier
  18. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Therefore I say yes, I am a collaborator. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly, if we expect to reap the benefits of unification...And reap we shall." —Dr. Wallace Breen - Interim Administrator of Earth - Unknown Date. Objectives: Overwatch Transhuman Arm, Civil Protection, Elite. 1. Secure City 18. Eliminate Resistance Activity centres in City 18. Sweep and Secure Urban and Industrial Zones. Respond to directives from Overwatch Control. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Half Life Game Series The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Half-Life 2: EOTRC, Half Life: Our Benefactors, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Half Life based weaponry as well as some supplementary options and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD (Elite) PLTN OTA-CmD (Platoon Lead) (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @Melo [Reg+] PLTN 2ic/RTO (PLTN 2ic/RTO TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD (Overwatch) Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad APF (Squad Config #1) (on the day) Alpha Squad WallHammer (Squad Config #2) (on the day) 3x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD (Civil Protection) Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) Azulares [Unqualified Minds] Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad APF (Squad Config #1) (on the day) Bravo Squad WallHammer (Squad Config #2) (on the day) 3x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (ELITE) Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Mingy [Reg+] Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @Veagance Delta Squad APF (Squad Config #1) (on the day) Delta Squad WallHammer (Squad Config #2) (on the day) 3x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Overwatch Assassin Team (PRHT) PRHT Spotter (PRHT Spotter Tags, Officer) OPEN PRHT Sniper (PRHT Sniper Tags, Officer) @AntiMatter --SLOTTING-- (OTA, Elite, CP, Resistance) ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from Half-Life 2: EOTRC, Half Life: Our Benefactors and mods may be used within the mission. Only one Molotov cocktail may be carried by individual riflemen at any given time. OTA may take 4x Combine Batteries from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing armor during mission. CP may take 4x armor plates from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing armor during mission. Elite may take 4x Combine Batteries from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing armor during mission. All players may take 2x Stim Packs from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing health during mission. Resistance may take 4x Combine Batteries or Armor plates from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing health during mission. AR-2s and SMG 4.6mms are to be treated as Grenade Launchers and issued to in the same manner by SLs as in standard FK Missions (Elite squads are Exempt from this Rule). --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Half Life universe will be played throughout the mission. Keybinds for Half Life: Our Benefactors and Webknight's Melee may be found under Options -> Controls -> Configure Addons -> Our Benefactors && Webknights's Melee. Delta (Elite) Squad will only be formed if both Bravo and Alpha squads are filled, and there are enough players present (16+). However, if the total number of players exceeds 23+, there will be a limit on the number of players assigned to Delta Squad, and the remaining players will be allocated to other squads. Resistance should create two loadouts for the mission one to blend in with the civilian populace and one to switch to in the event of fighting breaking out. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. Tags after each piece of equipment indicate which class of soldier may take each item. (CP - Civil Protection Units, OTA- Overwatch Transhuman Arm, Elite and Resistance). PLTN Lead: Squad Leads (CP, OTA, Elite) FAC, RTO, Team Leads (CP, OTA, Elite) Medics (CP, OTA, Elite) Riflemen (CP, OTA, Elite) APF: WallHammer: Assassin: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  19. Phenosi

    Unforeseen Consequences #7 [1st Main]


    The Unqualified Minds unit is interested in joining! :))
  20. Spartan_MiniMe

    Stellaris: The Fun Strikes Back


    Final date has been set as August 24th. Please submit empires beginning August 10th.
  21. kMaN

    Unforeseen Consequences #7 [1st Main]


    Yay! I think I can play this one!!
  22. kMaN



    Yay! I think I will get to play this one!!
  23. kMaN



    I'm mad at you because you KNOW I'm working on Friday!!
  24. colt92

    Unforeseen Consequences #7 [1st Main]


    Gib strider, tags.
  25. AntiMatter



    X-66 Commander Please (No Tags)
  26. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ Overwatch acknowledges critical exogen breach. Airwatch augmentation force dispatched and inbound. Hold for reinforcement... Objectives: Overwatch Transhuman Arm. 1. Secure Logistical Infrastructure of Relay Station 1. Defend Relay Station 5 against Antlion attack. Reactivate perimeter restrictors. Locate and eliminate Antlion Nests. Investigate possible resistance involvement. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Half Life Game Series The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Half-Life 2: EOTRC, Half Life: Our Benefactors, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Half Life based weaponry as well as some supplementary options and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: (Elite) PLTN OTA-CmD (Platoon Lead) (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/RTO (PLTN 2ic/RTO TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD (Overwatch) Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) Azulares [Unqualified Minds] Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @Phenosi [Unqualified Minds] Alpha Squad APF (Squad Config #1) (on the day) Alpha Squad WallHammer (Squad Config #2) (on the day) 3x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD (Overwatch) Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) ShaphiraPanda [Unqualified Minds] Bravo Squad APF (Squad Config #1) (on the day) Bravo Squad WallHammer (Squad Config #2) (on the day) 3x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (ELITE) Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad APF (Squad Config #1) (on the day) Delta Squad WallHammer (Squad Config #2) (on the day) 3x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Strider (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Strider/Lead (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @colt92 --SLOTTING-- (OTA, Elite, CP, Resistance) ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from Half-Life 2: EOTRC, Half Life: Our Benefactors and mods may be used within the mission. Only one Molotov cocktail may be carried by individual riflemen at any given time. OTA may take 4x Combine Batteries from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing armor during mission. CP may take 4x armor plates from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing armor during mission. Elite may take 4x Combine Batteries from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing armor during mission. All players may take 2x Stim Packs from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing health during mission. Resistance may take 4x Combine Batteries or Armor plates from the Our Benefactors mod for replenishing health during mission. AR-2s and SMG 4.6mms are to be treated as Grenade Launchers and issued to in the same manner by SLs as in standard FK Missions (Elite squads are Exempt from this Rule). --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Half Life universe will be played throughout the mission. Keybinds for Half Life: Our Benefactors and Webknight's Melee may be found under Options -> Controls -> Configure Addons -> Our Benefactors && Webknights's Melee. Delta (Elite) Squad will only be formed if both Bravo and Alpha squads are filled, and there are enough players present (16+). However, if the total number of players exceeds 23+, there will be a limit on the number of players assigned to Delta Squad, and the remaining players will be allocated to other squads. Resistance should create two loadouts for the mission one to blend in with the civilian populace and one to switch to in the event of fighting breaking out. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. Tags after each piece of equipment indicate which class of soldier may take each item. (CP - Civil Protection Units, OTA- Overwatch Transhuman Arm, Elite and Resistance). PLTN Lead: Squad Leads (CP, OTA, Elite): FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Riflemen: APF: WallHammer: Assassin: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  27. Bashfulvideos



    Knight gunner - No tags please
  28. until
    DATA BREACH GAO, CORDOBA SYSTEM 23rd SECURITY BRIGADE, VII CORDOBA ARMY COMMAND ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "You had the chance to be afraid before you joined my beloved corps!" - Sergeant Major Avery Jonhnson Mission Summary: The 23rd were deployed to the Central Zone of Gao following increased Insurrectionist activity 2 years ago. It's been a campaign of guerrilla warfare and some pitched battles but we've managed to secure Green Zones that are relatively safe around the major population centres and military installations. 4 days ago, that all came to nothing as a Covenant splinter fleet appeared in the system. They wiped out the picket ships and eradicated the small defence installations orbiting the planet. Boarding parties assaulted the Orbital Elevator; and the 17th have been fighting non-stop for 4 days to try and keep control of it. They're on the verge of losing the orbital installation and reinforcements are spread thin. Yesterday the Covvies started making landfall across the planet; but there's been no concentrated thrust towards any one area as of yet. Command are reluctant to deploy away from the civilians; and we've been busy marshalling people towards evacuation zones. At 21:00 local time, the forward elements of VI Fleet Group are estimated to arrive in system. It won't be much, 2 squadrons of Frigates, but it should be enough to make an opening to allow for some ODSTs to deploy and reinforce key areas. The rest of the fleet is a day behind, and once they arrive we should be set to launch some major counter attacks. Until that time, your Company is ordered to hold downtown - specifically the CMA/ONI building. Most of the key personnel have been evacuated to blast shelters already; but the AI which are shredding data need more time to complete their work and safeguard other worlds. We've also learned that there's a Slipspace testing site at the shipbreaking yards which may not have wiped all navigation data from their data centre. As soon as possible, you need to break through the hostile lines and enact the Cole Protocol with this data. The Covenant cannot be allowed to find our other colonies; or even Earth; God forbid. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Operation Trebuchet and OpTre First Contact mods are permitted. Weapon list is in effect; see below. 1 MG Gunner can swap their Machine Gun for a handheld Grenade Launcher at the Squad Lead's discretion. PLTN can chose one of two types of uniform/equipment. This will either be the Hao Reach version of Marines or the Halo 3 version. See below for details & examples. Each squad may use the M41SSR Rocket Launcher. This is HAT but is permitted to be used like MAT. Magazine size limit is raised to 60 rounds (to accommodate the larger rifle/SMG magazines e.g. MA5B) EMP grenades can be taken for Underslung grenade launchers - limited to 3 per GL. Thermal scopes are not permitted unless playing as PROPHET element. 122mm throwable explosives are not permitted. Throwable explosives/incendiaries/Molotov's are limited to 1 per person. HUDs (from OPTRE) are permitted and encouraged. Explosive ammunitions is prohibited unless playing as a PROHPET element (separate or imbedded) UNSC Special Forces (ODSTs and Spartans) have the following rules: One MG per squad may be exchanged for the M247H Heavy MG Two primary weapons may be taken using Webknights 2 primaries mod. If playing as Colonial Police, riot shield primaries may be taken. ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. RIFLES/PRIMARIES - permitted for all riflemen: BR55, BR45, M295, M392, M45, M7, MA32, MA37, MA3A, MA40, MA5B, VK78 SIDEARMS - permitted for all: M6B, M6D, M6G, Knives MGs: M73, M247 HALO 3 Marine Gear: HALO Reach Marine Gear: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request MODSET LINK
  29. Jerichron

    Unforeseen Consequences #6 [1st Main]


    Slot Reservations are now closed. See you all at the event.
  30. colt92

    Unforeseen Consequences #6 [1st Main]


    @Jerichron Sorry, but something came up and I'll likely not be able to come.
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