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  • ArmaFXP mod instructions


    This guide contains instructions for using the ArmaFXP mod on FK servers.

    This mod enhances visual effects. Besides that, this mod changes some values of AT rockets (e.g. RPG-32, RPG-7 and MAAWS) which increases their range.
    This gives the users of this mod an unfair advantage - unless the problematic part is removed.

    Removing not-whitelisted PBO's (required)

    • In the A3 Launcher, search for ArmaFXP, then either right click the mod and press "Open folder" or expand the mod, use the ••• menu and press "Open folder in Windows Explorer":


    • A prompt of caution will show up, to which you must click "I understand" in order to proceed.
    • Within the "!Workshop" folder, find the "@ArmaFXP" folder and open it (it should be already highlighted when your file explorer is opened if you follow the steps above).
    • Open the “addons” folder, in which there is one PBO you need to remove in order to not get booted from the server. You can also remove its signature, but it's not required.
    • Delete the following files from the "@ArmaFXP/addons" folder: "fxp_RPGthru.pbo" (optionally: "fxp_RPGthru.pbo.angel618.bisign")


    If you want to restore the old PBO for usage outside of FK, either save it somewhere and place it back where it was initially or just repair the mod via the launcher (same procedure as the first step in the guide, except you click "repair" instead of "Open folder"/"Open folder in Windows Explorer").

    If there are any issues with the list above or the guide, please message @johnb43.


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