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The Long Days (4+ hour mission!)


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So, many people have in the past indicated interest in playing a long (4+ hour) mission. The below document is a draft version of an idea for a calendar mission I have been playing with for some time.

The below Google doc has comments and suggestions enabled, if you need to point something out or add something then go ahead or just comment here.


I have already shared this around a bit, but I might as well create a post here for somewhere more static for people to find the doc and others not active on Discord etc to find it. Small changes are being made all the time.

Furthermore, if I go ahead with the idea of the document about using German or Dutch as a stand in for Middle Eastern, I will need co-zeuses who speak said languages.
Currently I am focusing on German as more people speak that here, including non-natives. If you speak German and would like to assist, please also comment below.

As for when this would happen, it would be whenever I could guarantee the availability of all of the inevitably large team needed to create this. But also on a Saturday, with at least two weeks notice hopefully.

Edited by Tomo
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Chuck Yeager
1 hour ago, Tomo said:

Currently I am focusing on German as more people speak that here, including non-natives.


You underestimate the amount of dutch speaking people in FK!

Happy to assist as Zeus if you'd go with Dutch language.

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Me spik deutsch with schwizerdütsch akzent... So i can spik Deutsch but they still only understand half perfect to simulate a local slang that the pesky blufor havent trained for. But im not around till 11/09 and would need at least 2 weeks note in advance to keep a date free if it wasn't taken ahead of time allready

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bump to this thread, as I am also specifically now looking for "actors"! 

Just co-zeuses/players that could put on suitable Middle-Eastern accents that aren't the usual jokes. Bonus if you can speak Dutch/German!

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7 hours ago, Tomo said:

Bump to this thread, as I am also specifically now looking for "actors"! 

Just co-zeuses/players that could put on suitable Middle-Eastern accents that aren't the usual jokes. Bonus if you can speak Dutch/German!

I can do those things

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  • 2 months later...

BUMP to this thread!  I am continuing work on this mission alongside other stuff.

I have ultimately decided to go with German as the foreign language used in this. Alex and BigT will be assisting me with this, with their benefit of also speaking a variant of German that might be confusing to other speakers ;) 


I am also still looking for further feedback and discussion on the document in the main post. Especially the following points: 

  • Day/night cycle
  • Medical setup
  • Respawns

and more!

Still ultimately trying to get the framework fully figured out and set in stone so I can move on to the actual mission itself and more specifics on how that'll play out.

Also also looking for people who would like to help as a regular/environmental co-zeus. Let me know and I'll get back to a few in time.


Edited by Tomo
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would be pretty interested to do the Co-Zeus. Other than German, i can speak Turkish and do really good russian and Arabic accents. Also some say that my fake spanish sounds pretty real, so why not use it here? 

Edited by SunnyLemon_
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  • 1 month later...

Just saw this thread and it sounds awesome!

If Alex and BigT need people to play some villagers speaking german or schweizerdeutsch: I'm in!

Gonna confuse everyone when I take out my eastern swiss special words like obertilli, oanazwoanzg and suugorsch.

Just keep in mind to host that mission on a saturday or sunday so that people will have time.

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