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Unsung - Vietnam Arma


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Guys - Update to Unsung

Changelog: Added: - New destruction fx to plane wrecks - New HUD/Optics for AH-1G Cobra
Fixed: - Removed Tanoa Inheritance / APEX Dependency on Da Krong and Doung maps - Missing uns_uniforms_base popup - US Army BDU and Heli Pilot Uniform Issues - Radio - Null check for radioUnit spamming rpt - Afterburner key (From turbo to vehicleTurbo) - M113 M60 weapon aim fixed - Afterburner initi time of F-111 - M16 sight tweaked - Proper display names for weapons (M16’s, XM-177’s, M63a’s) - Removed duplicate base weapons showing in Arsenal - Updated nameSound entries for all vehicles (reduced rpt spam) - OH-6 Gunner inheriting from Co-Pilot (Gunner being able to take controls) - Wheel hands animation (Rotation of arms on steering wheel) on Willys Jeep - Adjusted wheel positions on XM706 - Fixed MiG-21 damage handling and wreck model - Fixed UH1, H13, Mi8 and CH47 Medevac litter proxies - Boat FireGeometry rvmats - Removed recoil on 40mm GL on AH-1G Cobra, M113, Mk18, PBR - Editor-placeable mines now work - UH-1 skin disappearance using respawn module

Missing uns_uniforms_base popup


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So as a general update : 

Once Unsung gets its next patch all my old missions will be playable again. Until that time I'm slowly working on a few new missions over December - expect the first proper session to take place in Janurary (as I really don't get much free time in December)

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