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    Stuff about changes comes in here

    Future changes to the FK Modset development

    By Melo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 4,521 views
    To make our main missions more exciting and fun for all of us the Staff Team and Zeus Trainers decided to make a change to our modset development process.
    The new mod procurement system will no longer operate on a bi-annual (6 months) basis but will work as a continuous process. Therefore, we no longer need to wait until May or November to acquire new assets. This will keep our modset up to date with commonly used mods, while unused mods will be removed to make the modset more compact.
    For those interested in the new development process, here are the five steps a mod takes before being added to our modset:

    Step 1:
    The new modset development is now a five-step process that begins in the FK Discord mod-suggestions thread, where you can suggest any mod you think will suit FK! You can also comment under any suggested mod and voice your opinion to the community. In addition, make sure to read the Mod Suggestion Rules & Guidelines.

    Step 2:
    The new mods will be presented to a selected group of testers, including Zeus Tag Holders, Trainers, Techs, and Mission Makers who are dedicated to ensuring the quality of the mods that are chosen based on their qualification and acquisition of the previously mentioned positions. They will also work with the Tech and CM team to plan the mods' implementation and introduction to the greater modset. This process ensures that the mod will fit our playstyle and is of good quality.

    Step 3:
    After the testing team approves or denies submitted mods, they will move on to the testing process or will be sent back with feedback regarding the result. Testing will include checking for any bugs or glitches of the mods with the main modset while also ensuring the mod still fits with the playstyle for FK ArmA missions.

    Step 4:
    After a mod leaves stage 3, it moves on to CM approval where the CMs do the final check before giving their approval. The CM's decision will be based on the modset's depiction of Explicit or Sensitive Content and not on personal bias or opinion.

    Step 5:
    After testing is completed, the Testing team will approve or deny mods in the pipeline for final approval by the CM team based on a set of criteria for the final adoption of any given mod. Following this, if a mod's adoption can be done without going over FK's Modset size requirements, the Techs can immediately update the modset and server. Otherwise, the Testing team and Techs will work in tandem to create a modified modset that does not compromise our playstyle while maintaining our modset's size. Modset changes, once testing and approval are complete, are intended to be adopted in the following cycle of main missions (starting each Thursday).

    Flow Chart of the process:
    For better understanding of the process here's a flowchart showing the new development process.


    Boat Tags have arrived at our port!

    By Yung_Cider, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,415 views
    Greetings FK Members!
    Since it's introduction, our tag system has provided skilled players with the credentials to operate the pinnacle of technology
    in modern warfare. No matter if by air or land, tag holders were able to turn the tide of the battle by using their expert skills in aiding the ground troops to reach their mission goals.
    We are excited to announce the implementation of a new, long overdue extension to our tag system:
    Boat Tags.

    No matter if it’s a RHIB, Patrol Boat or a mighty Destroyer, naval combat is a key facet of Arma3 and FK Gaming intends to push and enhance the skill and abilities of those that wish to sail the rough seas.
    Starting today players will be able to enroll for boat training sessions and soon do their evals to get the brand new, FKGaming exclusive boat tag. Under the supervision of our very own expert in the field of naval warfare, @Don_prince, players will receive extensive training to fill the ranks of future boat tag holders.
    Our very own @Jerichron has created a special mission to commemorate the new modset! Can one and all to this first of many events! https://www.fkgaming.eu/events/event/1627-april-fools-naval-action-1st-main/
    For more information, and a little extra for our lovely community members, watch the video down below!
    Last, but not least. Visit this link for the one stop shop for all your FK Gaming NFT needs!

    FK Merch

    By Melo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 5,461 views
    Order form is now closed!

    Patches, Stickers and More!
    Hey all! For a limited time we will be selling FK patches and stickers.
    We might do another run in the future but that will definitely be many months away!

    Current Patches:
    The old FK logo:

    Our new detailed Logo:

    The name tag with your name on it!

    We will also offer stickers but they will be strongly demand specific and will be only offered if enough people are interested.
    For now if you want a sticker just submit an order, we will inform you later if we can print them.

    The printed stickers will be matt with a protective foil to withstand any harsh weather!

    The price:
    All patches cost 6 euro with a production cost of 4€.
    Velcro +1€ Thermal Glue +1€ None (Standard with no additional cost) Stickers:
    5pc - 3€
    10pc - 5€
    20pc - 8€
    30pc - 10€

    Shipping will cost anywhere from 4€ to 8€ depending on the destination and weight and size.
    You will be given a monitoring link.
    Any profit made from the merchandise will be donated to the FK account to keep our servers running!
    The PR team is here to answer them!
    Tag @Melo or any other PR member on discord or send us a DM.
    You can also email pr@fkgaming.eu but expect a bit longer response time.
    Order Form is now closed!

    FK 2023 Costs & Donations

    By LurkerOne, in Website news, , 0 comments, 2,937 views
    Hello all, I thought it was about time to sit down and update the costs for the FK servers/licenses currently, and let you know a bit about the work kMaN has been doing since taking over from @mrrbatty. Since taking over from him, kMaN has been working on reducing our current costs (our donation goal was downsized from €300 to €150/month a while back after changes in infrastructure). Working with the Tech team and have consolidated our resources to cut some costs. So, let's recap on our changes before I get into the current costings:
    FK 1 & Aux Box
    We used to have FK1 running on a separate server with the FK Aux box running virtual servers for all our other resources FK2/3/4/5, Teamspeak, Website, Foundry, etc. We have stopped the payment for that box and the old AUX server and instead switched to a more powerful server to run all our servers from one box and moved all the resources onto the new server, the cost of the new server was not that much more than we were paying for the Aux box on its own. This work was started and finished in the latter half of 2022, because the priority was reducing the cost of the website.
    FK Website
    The FK website has undergone a lot of changes to make it more stable, along with updating it to the latest software versions. Before he left, Mavy moved us to a new cloud-based solution which sped up page loading a good amount, however he left shortly after this migration and didn't see the increase in costs caused by this migration, which was well over €100 a month just for the website. Mrbatty was attempting to get it moved to cheaper hosting but could not complete this due to lack of time IRL, so upon handing the reigns over to @kMaN, he and @L00_Cyph3r have done some excellent work in moving the website to cheaper hosting, saving us a lot on the monthly costs. This project was the priority and was started in early 2022.
    Website Modules
    The TeamSpeak module on the website was unfortunately a victim of the recent updates, because the author hasn't updated the module in several years. This module allowed users to input their TeamSpeak UUID so that tags from the website could integrate over to Teamspeak. At this time, updating or adding the UUID to a user's profile will need to be done manually by a CM or Tech.
    The original TeamSpeak license was owned and hosted by Mavy. As the free licenses are no longer being offered by Teamspeak and transferring the license from Mavy was not an option, we had to get a new yearly license when creating the new TeamSpeak server.
    Anyway, after those updates, let's move on to the current costs.
    Updated Costs
    Monthly Cost
    Website License
    6 Monthly (€60)
    Website Module - Awards
    6 Monthly (€7)
    Website Module - Theme
    6 Monthly (€10)
    Website Module - Forms
    6 Monthly (€20)
    Website Module - Donations
    6 Monthly (€20)
    Website Module - Discord
    6 Monthly (€10)
    Website Domain Registration
    Yearly (€17)
    Hetzner Server
    Monthly (€115)
    Website (DNS)
    Monthly (€1.00)
    Yearly (€96)
    Email Hosting
        Monthly Total
    Thus the new donations total is €150
    To conclude…
    That was a lot to take in! I'm glad you stuck around to read all this boring stuff. As always, if you'd like to discuss any of this, reach out to kMaN on Discord.
    Everyone who donates to FK has the eternal gratitude of the FK Staff for continuing to host a community we are proud to be a part of. All donations are welcome, if you wish to donate, please visit our donation page, https://www.fkgaming.eu/donate/
    Special thanks to @L00_Cyph3r for handling the majority of the server, website migration and cutting FK costs by 50%.
    After failing several times, one time to PC failure, to organize and create this post, I'd like to thank @LurkerOne for finally taking his time to put this together. Something I should have done months......okay, okay.....a year ago.

    Joint OP with BS Gaming!

    By Fred, in Community News, , 0 comments, 5,132 views
    FK has been invited to partake in a joint operation with the BSG clan. This joint operation has been in the works for little over 2 months. This is the first of 2 operations. 
    Please join us in the operation the 28th Jan! It starts at 20:00 UTC (1 hour after usual main time). 
    Check out the calendar page to join the fun!

    FK Christmas 2022

    By Melo, in Missions, , 0 comments, 4,209 views
    Join FKGaming and save Christmas!
    Custom assets? Flat Earthers? Santa?
     Friday 30th December FKGaming will be hosting @Servok's exciting and wondrous Christmas mission! You will be playing as Santa's little helpers retrieving Santa's assets from the flat earthers and finding intel showing us how it happened. With the help of a ZU mounted on a Darter Drone and a SPG truck you will swiftly move through the snowy island of Zimma Australia and save Christmas!
    Friday 30th December Standard main time (19:00 GMT, 19:00 UTC, 15:00 EST) Modset
    Standard November 2022 modset, with some extra mods. Link Calendar Link
    On the final note, big thank you for @Servokfor his work and time spent making this event.

    November Modset 2022

    By LurkerOne, in Game news, , 0 comments, 5,606 views
    November 2022 Modset Update
    After many weeks of hard work, it's here! The latest update to our main Arma 3 modset. This modset was unique in that it's the first time FK opened to the modtesting to everyone Regs+ and their vote weighed equally to staff members who voted. The modset was determined by the FK community. Therefore, if you have a complaint you should look to your left and right and ask your buddy, who either participated in the mod-testing or didn't. FK staff & techs would like to thank all who contributed for their hard work during the process.
    Now, onto the new FK November 2022 modset.
    On the faction side we have made some changes, BW Mod and Redd'n'Tanks have been removed and AMF has been added. It's not perfect, but is in active development and provides the community with a new faction.
    We have refreshed our map list, adding back in some favorites along with some new maps, notable of which is Fapovo Island. The great map modder Jerichron will be applying his magic to give us an improved version of the map.
    On the gear, uniforms and equipment side of things, we have replaced Military Gear Pack (MGP) with USP Gear & Uniforms AIO. USP AIO brings most of the same items, uniforms and equipment as MGP. We have also included the mod, ACE3 Arsenal Extended for USP AIO which allows for a new more compact way of choosing the options for uniforms, vests, etc. It allows for a smaller or better organized menu. kMaN has made a short video explaining this new feature afforded by the new mods.
    On the vehicles side, the community decided to stay with what is still some of the better mods that provide vehicles, ie - RHS series, 3CB, Firewill's aircraft, etc. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much regarding new mods for vehicles. AMF will be the sole mod to brings the community new vehicles.
    For Zeus', we have a new Breach mod which adds new items for players to try to breach doors
    To celebrate the new FK November 2022 modset, kMaN has ported three of his scripted missions, using @Malbryn's MalFramework to support the new modset. They can be played at any time or in-leu of a main mission Zeus ran mission on FK1 or 2. You don't need to subscribe to his missions as they are on our servers already, but you can see them on the Workshop:

    Operation Ice Fire I (USP)
    Operation Ice Fire II (USP)
    Operation Ice Fire III (USP)
    One of our goal's for the November 2022 modset was to try and bring something new, ie - weapons, equipment, helmets, vests, accessories, immersion, system, maps, etc. As a result, despite the number of mods increasing, the modset has only grown by a modest ~9 GBs which is still under the hard limit of 75 GB.
    Current (May 2022) Modset Size (GB):      65
    New Modset (November 2022) Size (GB):      72
    Removed Mods(May 2022) Size (GB):    12
    Current (May 2022) Mods Count:    112
    New (November 2022) Mods Count:   79

    Anyway, onto some useful information. The modset will be live on FK 1 from Thursday, the 8th of December.
    Mod Preset & Installation
    The simplest way to get the new FK November 2022 modset ready will be to import it into the Arma launcher.
    FK7 MTT Server
    FK7 has been setup with the new modset for testing, the modset above can be used on the server and from the go-live date the same modset will be used so you do not have to download two different modsets. The password on FK7 has been reverted from the MTT password to the same password format that is used for all of our Arma servers.
    Below you will find a full list of what's come in, and what was removed.
    Mods Added and Removed
    Dynamic Camo System Mutambara Breach VS Static Line Jump MOD DEPENDENCY CHANGE Backpackonchest - Redux Ace Armor Adjuster AMF AIO RHSTERRACORE Isla Abramia ACE3 Arsenal Extneded Core ACE3 Arsenal Extended for USP AIO ACE3 Arsenal Extended pour AMF AIO Diyala Map PLP Containers Al Salman 2.0 USP Gear & Uniforms AIO USP Gear - IHPS Fapovo Island UMB Armavir G.O.S. N'ziwasogo v2 APEX Improved Craters USP Gear - Ace USP Gear Fix  
    UMB Columbia Summa Kujari Sanagasta Map DHI Uniforms and Equipment TFAR Compat DHI Tembelan Island Anizay Military Gear Pack BWMod Redd'n'Tank Vehicles Project - Future Vertical Lift Maksniemi Kerma Islands by [Veterans] Hatchet H-60 pack - Stable Version Hatchet Framework Breaching Charge Cover photo was made by @Melo

    Jeri's 2022 Halloween Event

    By Melo, in Missions, , 0 comments, 9,312 views
    Join FKGaming this Sunday with a spook-tacular mission!
    Communication blackouts? Hazardous Water? Teaser Video?
    This Sunday (30th October) FKGaming will be hosting @Jerichron's terrifying and exciting new Halloween mission. You will be playing as the US and Canadian Armed Forces during ananomalous meteorological events associated with the appearance and spread of what has been deemed "Red Water" . You are currently en route to Corazol a town on the western coast to attempt securing Navy Transport out of the states, with hopes of taking shelter re-establish communications with command.
    Teaser Trailer:
    Sunday 31th October Standard main time (19:00 GMT, 19:00 UTC, 15:00 EST) Note: Remember that daylight savings happens on the 30th! Make sure not to miss the event because of the hour.  Modset
    Mostly Standard, with some extra mods. Link Other Community's Invited
    FKGaming has sent out an invite for other communities to join the event, so if you see some new faces in the coming days from other places, do be kind and make sure they feel welcome! Calendar Link
    Just a final note guys, please do send some love to @Jerichronfor this as he has worked super hard on it. 

    Scripted Missions and You!

    By Fred, in Community News, , 0 comments, 8,353 views
    This post will serve as a guide on how to use scripted missions in FK Gaming
    What are Scripted Missions?
    A scripted mission is essentially any Arma 3 mission which employs the use of scripts to dynamically change the way the game is played. For the scripted missions in FK Gaming, this will often include (but not always!): 
    Respawning Dynamic AI spawning Mission Objectives Custom Scripts, e.g. Attack Dogs These missions can be found in the mission selector screen when you use the command: "#missions" on the server when loaded as admin (more on this later). These scripted missions are used when there has been no main mission Zeus picked on the day, and people select "Scripted Mission" in the staff-given strawpoll. 
    How Can I Setup a Scripted Mission on the Arma 3 Server?
    As mentioned above, to get the scripted mission on the server (to see a list of scripted missions, look here), you must first log in as admin. To log in as admin, type in chat: "#vote admin <YOURNAMEHERE>". For example, for me to log in, I would type: "#vote admin Fred", or if I wanted to vote Melo as admin: "#vote admin Melo".

    Next, you will need to pick a mission to play. To do this, type in chat (once logged in as admin): "#missions". This will bring up a mission select screen which has options for map selection, and mission selection. To find a specific mission, you must first select the map it is on. For example, if I wanted to play "CO48 Invasion of Utes", I would select the map "Utes", then select the mission when it comes on the right side of the page.

    Most missions in the FK scripted database will follow a naming convention that will give you preliminary information about the mission and will most likely only be COOP (CO) or Team vs Team (TVT) missions. The first letters of the mission name will tell you whether a mission is a COOP or PVE mission, i.e. -  CO, Co, co, [CO ] or a Team vs Team or PVP mission, i.e. - TvT, [TVT ], [TvT ] or a similar variation. The next two numbers will tell you how many players the mission is built for, ie - CO50, [CO50], CO-50, [CO-50], co50, TVT50, TVT-50, [TVT50], [TVT-50], TvT50, etc. Finally, the mission name will complete the naming convention. In the above mission name, "CO48 Invasion of Utes", you can read that the mission is COOP, supporting up to 48 players and the mission name is Invasion of Utes. In this example, the mission name tells you which map you would be using, but most mission names will not include the map name in the title.


    This will bring you to the lobby screen for the selected mission. Here you will need to gather some players, and slot up. Once everyone is slotted, the person logged in as admin will then press "OK" in the bottom right corner. This will bring everyone to the map screen. 

    On the map screen, look at the top left for the "briefing tab". This will hopefully have all the information required to complete the mission. When everyone is ready to play, press the "OK" button in the bottom right corner.
    Finally, this will bring you in game; where you have to complete whatever object has been set by the mission maker.
    As of right now, the FK scripted missions database has missions supporting the current FK modset on FK1 and/or FK2 as well as the SOG Prairie Fire DLC hosted on FK5.

    Calendar Missions
    If you look at the FK Gaming Calendar, you might see some special scripted missions, as well as specially scripted Zeus missions. These are created by players who wish to tailor a unique experience, typically with a non-standard modpack. The players who run the more specialty missions typically rotates the non-standard modpack on a quarterly basis. For example, in the past we have had: Warhammer 40k missions, WW2 missions, Vietnam, etc.
    If you wish to create a calendar mission, please read through the guides in this link

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