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    Stuff about changes comes in here

    INTREP 40 (Better late then never)

    By Melo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 8,335 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published Monthly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Check the forums for up to date information straight from our Community Managers.
    Staff News
    ACE3 Medical system changes
    With a new ACE update we have been introduced to multiple new wound types and a rework of wound handling and fall damage.
    You can see those changes more in detail here:
    New PR team member
    Please give a warm welcome to @Yung_Cider to the PR team! He alongside other PR team member will be working on promoting this comunity as well as working on special events happing within FK.
    Arma Reforger server
    FK now has a Arma Reforger server running on the game master mode on Everon thanks to our admin @kMaN! The details to join are on TeamSpeak, if you have any other mode then please let us know. We'll see you there!
    Community News
    FNF WW2
    Our friends at Friday Night Fight are starting up their World War 2 Month again! The next 2 (possibly 3 if there is demand) weeks, FNF will be recreating classic battles of WW2. Such as: Battle of Crete, Battle of Moscow, Battle of Tenaru, and so much more! If you are interested, please send a message to @Fredon the forum, or Fred#1306 on discord (discord will likely get a faster response).
    Community spotlight

    Upcoming Events

    Make sure to keep an eye out on the calendar for any upcoming events!
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @ThePointForward for his screenshot from Arma Reforger.
    Taco Romeo November - 🍉Melo

    May 2022 Modpack Update

    By LurkerOne, in Game news, , 0 comments, 4,607 views
    May 2022 Modpack Update
    After many weeks of hard work, it's here! The latest update to our main Arma 3 modpack. This modpack is the result of the fifth iteration of our Mod Testing Team process, and I would like to thank all who contributed for their hard work during the process. 
    Unlike previous iterations, we are not rolling out any new factions. The focus this time is on refreshing the maps that we have, as well as giving out some great new options for both players and Zeus' to enhance missions.
    On the weapons side of things, we now have a UAV drone that comes with attachable weapons, the KA-137 UAV mod.
    On the vehicles side, we now have a Landing craft that can be loaded with vehicles and/or troops to give Zeus' more options for beach landing missions or similar, we are also adding in the Hatchet H-60 Pack, this gives more UH-60 models for Zeus' to use in mission, these birds have a more involved operation procedure for those pilots that want more immersion, with the caveat that Zeus' be willing to offer the RHS version if asked.
    For Zeus', we have a couple of things for you. First we have the Smarter tanks mod, to try and make the AI smarter in their use of tanks, whether it be the type of shell to use in the main gun or their tactics against infantry/other tanks, along with the O&T Expansion mod to give mission makers greater access to objects that otherwise are hidden in the game engine
    In the last few months, there hasn't been much in the way of updates to the mods in our modset and we had to remove one mod due to broken updates. As a result, despite the number of mods increasing, the modset has only grown by a modest ~1607 MBs
    Current (November) Modset Size (MB):    72947.6
    New Modset Size (MB):      74580.4
    Removed Mods (MB):    4053.1
    Current (November) Mods Count:    70
    New Modset Count:   80 (6 Removed, 16 added)

    Anyway, onto some useful information. The modset will be live on FK 1 from Monday, the 2nd of May.
    Below you will find a full list of what's come in, but the important parts are next: Mod Presets!
    Mod Preset & Installation
    The simplest way to get the new modset ready will be to import our new official modset into the Arma launcher
    Second Server
    FK2 has been setup with the new modset for testing, the modset above can be used on the server and from the go-live date the same modset will be used so you do not have to download 2 different modsets. The password on FK2 has been reverted back to the same as on FK1
    Mods Added and Removed
    Advanced Urban Repelling v2 (remade) Cup Terrains - Maps 2.0 Grenade Windows Breaker (mod version) Hatchet H-60 Pack + Framework Interiors for Cup KA-137 UAV Kerama Islands Maksniemi O&T Expansion Eden Panthera RKSL Studios - LCVP Mk5 Landing Craft + RKSL Library Sanagasta Map Smarter Tanks Tembelan Uzbin Valley  
    Suursaari Rosche, Germany Pulau Ihantala Ihantala Winter Bornholm

    INTREP 39

    By Melo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,934 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published Monthly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Check the forums for up to date information straight from our Community Managers.

    Staff News
    Mission debrief
    The staff team has decided to switch how post mission debriefs will be done. Here are the three main changes:
    Stricter approach to how after mission debrief is done in TeamSpeak immediately after mission end. They will now be more structured Debrief thread is getting more structured as well. New channel on Discord for feedback for the last day's mission. New Mission-Maker/Modder tag
    The staff team has decided to add a Mission-Maker/Modder tag to recognize those members who contribute new content or modified content to the FK community and/or the Arma community. This tag does not have any trainers nor evals, a new tagholder needs to fit the requirements stated below and be chosen by a current tag holder and voted on by the CM's.

    Requirements for the Mission-Maker/Modder tag:
    Needs to be a REG+ Is an upstanding member of the community At least one of the following: Authored at least one mod on the steam workshop Changed at least one mod on the steam workshop Created at least two missions from scratch or used a mission-making framework that has been played in FK or hosted on FK servers Congratulation to the first five awardees which are: @cineafx @johnb43 @Garfield @ThePointForward and @Malbryn

    The FK servers now have AAR! The after action replay, allows you to view a 2d map replay of our mains. Showing friendly and enemy positions, as well as our map markings, it gives us an opportunity to reflect on what happened during our mains. 
    To access the AAR press HERE.

    Community News
    Charity Festival
    A big thank you to everyone who participated and/or donated to our charity festival! It's been a blast playing for the past 4 days. We managed to raise 2750 USD which will be doubled to 5500 USD!
    I'd also would like to thank @Jerichron @Griffin68965 @Sarissa for creating and zeusing those events in such a short notice, and another thank you to @andyt90 @TheFantasticFlyingTaco @cineafx for streaming those events! Hope that all of you enjoyed these few days and hopefully we will see you in a future event!
    Community spotlight
    Upcoming Events
    Make sure to keep an eye out on the calendar for any upcoming events!
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @SilentGunner13 for a great screenshot from the charity SOG mission.
    This months intrep is a bit short so here's a meme I stole from @Vericht. - 🍉Melo

    FK Gaming Stands with Ukraine

    By Melo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,527 views
    FK Gaming Stands with Ukraine
    April 7th to 10th, 2022
    The event will be streamed live on twitch.tv/fkgaming_eu
    Message from the Staff Team:
    This announcement is a response to that - a Charity Stream aimed at raising funds for the Ukrainian people, through Project HOPE a humanitarian fund aimed at alleviating the suffering of those in the country and in refugee camps in neighboring countries.
    FK is a uniquely diverse community, with every continent represented, and most countries. We are all, at the end of it all, one community of humans. We as a community have achieved incredible things before when raising funding for Medicines Sans Frontieres & we hope to outdo ourselves once more with this stream.
    We implore you all to watch the stream when it goes live streaming the arma 3 events on twitch.tv/fkgaming_eu, and to share it on social media with friends and family, to raise funds for this incredibly important cause.
    7th-10th of April
    Visit the Donation page
    Also, do consider sharing our twitter posts far and wide - the more viewers, the more donators and every penny counts!

    INTREP 038

    By Melo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,338 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published Monthly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Check the forums for up to date information straight from our Community Managers.
    Staff News
    Mod testing team applications
    It's the time of the year again! Time to make and test a new modset with the mod testing team. Help out the staff team and be one of the people that select the latest mods for the next few months!
    If you're interested in applying for MTT, press here.
    Remember that the suggestion thread is open for everyone, so drop any mods you want in the future modset!
    The FK twitter is back and active so follow it!
    Community News
    Foundry VTT
    We're looking for some Game Master's to create exciting campaigns on our Foundry VTT servers, if your interested in hosting DND or any other tabletop campaigns that are supported by Foundry on our servers, drop an application for GM or suggest an add-on in their respected threads.
    WW2 Modset
    While the mod testing team works on our new modset, we have rotated to the WW2 modset on FK4! Get ready for some exciting custom WW2-themed missions, and if you want to make your mission, you are always welcome to make your mission!
    Link to the WW2 modset (as of 2/24/2022)
    Airsoft meetup
    Note: This is not an official FK meetup, there will be some non-FK faces there.
    If you are interested in the meetup, which will be happening around June or July organized by Benji, then feel free to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/NTAQs4hJP8
    Community spotlight
    Upcoming Events
    Make sure to keep an eye out on the calendar for any upcoming events!
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @Griffin68965 for a great screenshot from his WW2 mission.
    With a lot happening in Europe, I hope that everyone here stays safe from all of the violence occurring, hoping that this community remains a safe place for everyone. - 🍉Melo

    INTREP 037

    By Fred, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,575 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published Monthly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Check the forums for up to date information straight from our Community Managers.
    Staff News
    Batty stepping down as Admin
    Sadly, our resident Admin, @mrrbatty will be stepping down from his post, and will be passing the torch to @kMaN. We wish Batty the absolute best, and he gave us these parting words:

    @kMaN also has a few words for us about his new role, and we cant wait to see what he has to offer:
    Everyone at FKGaming wishes the best MrBatty and we all hope to see you around! 

    FK Twitch Guidlines
    Our wonderful PR Officer @Melo has published guidelines on streaming with the FK Platform, as well as becoming affiliated with FKGaming. 

    Community News
     Community Showcase
    The wonderful @TheFantasticFlyingTaco has released a few great highlight videos of Arma 3 which you should watch!
    Upcoming Events

    Make sure to keep an eye out on the calendar for any upcoming events!

    INTREP 036

    By Melo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,338 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published Monthly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Check the forums for up to date information straight from our Community Managers.

    Community News
    Tank Tuesday
    Are you ready for some tank platoons? If so every month @Silberjojo and @Sarissa will be hosting a new armored regiment mission.
    Make sure to keep an eye out on the Calendar for them!
    Movie nights
    @Silberjojo is planning on hosting movie nights within our community. If you have any movies that you can access and watch, please reach out to Silber, who will organize it with you!
    The Big FK Quiz of 2021
    @Tomo hosted an FK quiz on the categories of FK Trivia, Gaming, and General knowledge. If you didn't manage to play, then make sure to do the offline version and share your scores with others!

    Christmas event
    Big thank you to @Servok for creating the event and bringing the Christmas spirit to FK!
    If you didn't play the event then make sure to watch @TheFantasticFlyingTaco's fantastic video showing all the shenanigans that happened!

    Upcoming Events
    Make sure to keep an eye out on the calendar for any upcoming events!
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @Servok for his group photo from the Christmas event.
    As you may know, this is the last INTREP of the not-so-good year of 2021, so let's start the new year with the hopes of a better year. Whether you spend the holidays away from home or not, we wish you a happy and relaxing holiday!  - 🍉Melo

    The Night Flat Earthers Stole Christmas

    By Melo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,237 views
    This Saturday join FKGaming and save Christmas!
    ZU mounted Darters? Five SPG's on a Truck? Santa hats?
    This Saturday (18th December) FKGaming will be hosting @Servok's exciting and wondrous Christmas mission! You will be playing as Santa's little helpers retrieving Santa's assets from the flat earthers and finding intel showing us how it happened. With the help of a ZU mounted on a Darter Drone and a SPG truck you will swiftly move through the snowy island of Zimma Australia and save Christmas!
    Saturday 18th December Standard main time (19:00 GMT, 19:00 UTC, 15:00 EST) Modset
    Mostly Standard, with some extra mods. Link Calendar Link
    On the final note, big thank you for @Servokfor his work and time spent in the making of this event.

    INTREP 035

    By Melo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,194 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published Monthly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Check the forums for up to date information straight from our Community Managers.
    Staff News 
    Rule Change
    With the new modset out the staff has been updating the rules to fit it. Make sure to check the new MAT and Zeus rules.
    Think Tank applications
    In the Think Tank, you get the opportunity to have an advisory input for CM team on various topics regarding the community. Apply today if you'd like to give us your view on things we're not 100 % sure about!
    Community News 
    Mission making
    Quick reminder for those who want to make their scripted mission: FK has a Tutorial and a mission template created by @kMaN and @Malbryn. If you're going to develop your scripted mission, we strongly recommend going over this.
    FK Zeus Template Tutorials
    Scripted Missions Making Framework
    Minecraft Caves and Cliffs
    @AntiMatter is running a poll regarding the new Minecraft update and running a public server within FK. If your interested in playing please spare a few minutes on this poll, I’ll see you there!
    Upcoming Events
    Other events in the work
    We've got an upcoming 40K mission by @Jerichron and a scripted SOG PF mission by @kMaN coming in the upcoming future, so make sure to keep an eye out on the calendar!
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @Yung_Cider with a scenic photo of our new map.
    I hope that you enjoyed this month's INTREP; with any luck, I might get as good with it as Rhea. If you got any feedback or articles for the next INTREP, please feel free to DM me on discord. - 🍉Melo
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