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    INTREP 027

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 1,805 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Community Manager Election Update
    Applications for the vacant Community Manager positions have closed on Tuesday October 27th. Applications will now be forwarded to the Think Tank for deliberation until Sunday November 8th. The Announcement for the new Community Managers will be made on Monday November 16th. Good Luck to all the applicants!
    Public Relations Operations
    Jerichron's Spooky Spectacular
    Join us on Oct 31st during first main mission for Jeri's Spooky Spectacular, and Arma mission that will be sure to cause a few girly screams. We will be streaming the event live on our twitch so if you can't make it in person- be sure to join us in the chat! 
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    Trainer's Corner 
    This is why we have co-pilots!
    Rotary wing tag holder @Rabit Salvokelk looses consciousness mid flight, his co-pilot @Tomo quickly takes control of the bird to keep it from falling out of the sky. This is why we have co-pilots! If you're interested in Rotary Wing training check out the Flight Training Discord!
    Community News
    Wattsits is promoted to the rank of Veteran
    After years of faithful service, @Wattsits has now joined the rank of Veteran along side his duties as Rotary Wing Trainer he will now be responsible for creating private rooms and complaining about the kids walking on his grass. Congratulations Wattsits.
    Liberation - Lythium

    Our forces are making good progress through Lythium. For modset and server information visit the forums here! Join our army as we fight to liberate this area!
    Gaming News
    Steam Halloween Sale!
    Steam's Halloween Sale is now live until November 2nd. Below I've linked just a few games that I've noticed people play on FK that you might be interested in. Check them out!
    No Man's Sky £19.99 / $29.99
    Red Dead Redemption 2 £36.84 / $40.19
    THE WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT £10.49 / $14.99
    Deep Rock Galactic  £17.49 / $20.99
    Borderlands 3 £24.99 / $29.99
    Monster Hunter: World  £16.49 / $19.79
    RimWorld £25.01 / $31.49
    Stellaris £8.74 / $9.99
    Hearts of Iron IV £8.74 / $9.99
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege £6.79 / $7.99
    Elite Dangerous £4.99 / $7.49
    Hell Let Loose £18.74 / $22.49
    Barotrauma £10.74 / $14.99
    Golf With Your Friends £7.36 / $10.04
    BattleTech £8.74 / $9.99
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @Jerichron titled: Teaser Picture from his upcoming event "Jerichron's Spooky Spectacular"
    Happy Halloween Everyone! I hope you all get a chance to eat way too much candy and binge watch all the scary movies.  - ❤️ Rhea

    INTREP 026

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 1 comment, 3,803 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Recently many members of FK Gaming have been affected by a Steam hack. Do not click on any links given to you via Steam. If in doubt, always verify via TS or Discord with the person sending you the message. If you have already encountered this bot and did click on the link sent to you- change your password immediately and set up 2 factor authentication.  
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Community Manager Applications are open now
    Applications for Community Managers are now live. Applications will close Tuesday, October 27th. To apply visit the forums HERE.
    Vericht Steps Down from Community Manager
    After years of dedication to his various roles within the FK Staff Team and Training Team @Vericht has decided to step down. He will now take up the role as Veteran. Thank you for all of your hard work Vericht. 
    Public Relations Operations
    Friday Night Fight 
    Friday Night Fights will continue with @Griffin68965 as team captain. If you are interested in representing FK Gaming in these TVT missions please message any PR officer or Liaison. The next FNF event has been published to the calendar, to view the event and RSVP check HERE.
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    Community News
    New Liberation Rule Set
    After months of deliberation the Moderator team and the CM Team have finalized the Liberation Ruleset. If you wish to play Liberation on FK Servers please read over the ruleset linked below. If you have any questions or need help understanding the rules please contact a moderator or post your question to the #staffquestions channel on the discord. Your lack of knowledge or understanding of these rules is not an excuse for breaking them. 
    Mod Testing Update
    FK2 Server will be locked for mod testing for the next few weeks. The mod testing team has been hard at work going through each mod one by one and providing useful guidance and feedback. To see if a mod you've suggested has been denied, check the thread below. Things are well underway, and should be able to produce the next modset by early November. 
    Show off your Mask! 
    Even through having to wear a mask in public sucks, we all know this is our new "normal". Our lives are forever changed by the Covid-19 pandemic, but that doesn't mean it all has to be doom and gloom. Check out @WateryFox's thread here and share your masks!
    Representing FK Gaming in the Field! 
    Looking good @SilentGunner13

    Hope everyone has a great week! Next INTREP will be a special SPOOKY edition, can't wait! ❤️Rhea

    INTREP 025

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,412 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community. 
    Meeting Reports
    Public Relations Operations
    Friday Night Fights
    FK Gaming has participated in 2 Friday Night Fights so far and plans to continue. All participants/possible participants will be added to the Public Relations Operations Discord to allow for easier communication and planning. If you are interested in representing FK Gaming during the Friday Night Fight TVT events please contact any PR officer or liaison. 
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    Community Managers Announcement
    Modset Testing for the NOV 2020 Modset
    It's that time of the year again! We're fast approaching November which means it's time to start testing out new mods for the new modset! At this time the Mod Suggestion thread for the November 2020 modset is now closed and the CMs have compiled a list of mods ready for testing. Thank you everyone for your suggestions.
    If you have spare time, and would like to help test these new mods and how they interact with each other please apply to be a part of the Mod Testing Team. It is crucial that we have thorough testing and feedback before implementing a new modset on FK1, and the Staff Team would greatly appreciate your help! You can apply HERE!
    Community News
    Ventfarter Promoted to Veteran
    @Vent was promoted to the rank of Veteran this week. Vent has been a part of FK Gaming since March 2017. Congratulations Vent- well earned. 
    Colt makes a 'once in a lifetime' shot
    During a First Main Mission @Astrid captured this gem while streaming from a Churchill Mark VII. Good shooting @colt92 
    Be sure to go visit Wheezy's twitch at WheezyActual and follow!
    Liberation is still running on FK 3 
    Want more Arma? We thought so- Check out our Liberation Server on FK 3!
    Guide Spotlight 
    @info Made this Asset Overview of the Helicopters we currently offer in our Modset. Perfect quick reference guide for Zeus' and players alike. Thank you for your time an hard work info! 
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @Sarissa Thanks for all the great screen shots! Keep 'em coming!

    INTREP 024

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 4,039 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Job Changes within the Community Manager Team
             The Community Manager team has done some shuffling of roles to ensure each department is fully staffed. @Cyico will now be assisting @Rabit Salvokelk with the herding of the Moderators and @OneMadPanda will be joining the Public Relations Team as a liaison. We wish them both the best in their new positions. Want to know what other roles there are within the CM team and who is filling them? Head over to the Staff Roster page to see!
    Public Relations Operations
    Secret Santa Volunteers 
             It may seem a bit early to be planning for Christmas, but when you're trying to organize a Secret Santa of epic proportions starting early is always a good idea. This year @Spartan_MiniMe will be heading logistics of the Secret Santa endeavor along side the PR team who will be offering advertisement and promotion. If anyone feels they would have the time, energy, and willingness to assist Spartan in the logistics of this year's upcoming Secret Santa project please contact him directly. Any and all help would be appreciated! 
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    Community News
    Orders for Silent's Dog Tags have now been closed!
             The first order of FK Gaming branded dog tags is now complete! @SilentGunner13 has officially shipped out all of the orders for the new FK Gaming branded dog tags! Huge thank you to Silent for taking his time to offer these awesome tags to our community members. Also a big thank you to all who have ordered these tags! Now you can represent your community with pride!

    Doc got more patches!
             @Doctadoone has received more of the traditional patches to round out his already impressive stock-pile of new FK gaming logo patches. If you are interested in either type of patch or both check out Docta's post HERE and fill out the order form HERE. Huge thank you to Docta for going out of his way to provide these patches for the community. 

    Thanks to @Rabit Salvokelk for the pic!
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @SilentGunner13 "Guerrilla warfare in the trees leads to bloody fighting and disorientation on both sides"
    A bit of late INTREP this time guys, sorry about that. Wish I had a good excuse, but it really was just procrastination. Ah, well we're all human I suppose! Hope you enjoyed, see you in the next one! - ❤️ Rhea

    INTREP 023

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,279 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Big T Steps down from Community Manager
             "It was a great time being a part of the staff team for as long as I have. This community has grown and changed to the better over the years. It wasn't always easy to be part of staff and make decisions that make a part of the community upset no matter what we would choose. I have learned a lot and I still love this community, but due to me moving forward with life I no longer have sufficient time to fulfil my role. That's why I made the decision to step down. Best of luck and keep it up to the remaining members of staff."
    Chuck Yeager Steps down from PR
             "After being on the PR team since the beginning in July 2019, it's time to take a step back - Keep at it with fresh ideas & engaging community driven content to allow FK to keep on growing. Thank you to all staff for helping me out on numerous occasions and take care" 
    Public Relations Operations
    Running Man Charity Event 2020
             FK Gaming will once again join our friends from Oper8 Heaven and Team Brrrt this year to host our annual charity event benefiting Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders). Medicins Sans Frontiers is an international humanitarian medical non-governmental organisation of French origin best known for its projects in conflict zones and in countries affected by endemic diseases. To learn more about this incredible organization and what they do, please visit their website HERE. 
    If you would like to view how our last years event went, it is up on our Youtube channel HERE!
    We will be opening applications for regulars and above to join in this event. At this time FNGs will not be permitted to participate. If you are interested please fill out the application HERE.
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    Trainer's Corner 
    Silberjojo Steps down from RTO Trainer
             After long consideration about his roles as a Moderator, FAC Trainer, SL Trainer, and RTO Trainer @Silberjojo has decided to step away from RTO Training stating "It's really just that I don't have the time to do trainings and evals in three disciplines, while still playing Arma for myself and we got two very competent trainers left, so I don't feel bad about leaving at this time, at all." We thank Silber for stepping up and helping with RTO training when it was necessary but understand that one person can only do so much at one time. 
    Point Forward steps down from Basic Trainer
             Point has decided after being unable to make time for Basic Training that it was time to step away from the role of trainer. We thank him for all his hard work and dedication to streamlining basic training. Basic Training will continue as normal with @Monocled Badger and @Jerichron. 
    Awarded Tags
             Tags awarded from August 8th to August 22nd. Congratulations and good work to all new tag holders!
    @Garfield - RTO | @Astrid - Armor Driver | @AngryScottishMan - Fixed Wing Pilot | @EnCrY - Medic | @Hurrr - Team Leader | @colt92 - Team Leader | @johnb43 - Armor Commander | @Phanos - Armor Commander | @Lerto - Platoon 2IC
    Interested in becoming a tag holder? Check our our Training Section on the forums!
    Community News
    Basic Training Feedback - Have you attended a basic training? Badger would like your feedback to help make basic training better! 
    Main Mission time breakdown - Gditz has way too much free time on his hands and documented full main mission breakdowns. Now you know on average how long you have to get snacks before briefing ends! 
    New Unofficial Minecraft Server - Antimatter is hosting a new Minecraft server. The Mod-pack is Awakening - Sky of Diamonds. Read all the information below if your interested in playing.
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @Sarissa titled: Holding the Line taken from his event mission "Contact Lost - (UK WW2)"
     - ❤️ Rhea

    INTREP 022

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,476 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Legendo Steps Down
            @Legendo has decided to step down from his role as a Community Manager this week. We thank him for all the time, effort and sanity he sacrificed as not only a Community Manager but also as a Moderator of this community. @Rabit Salvokelk will be taking over for Legendo as a Moderator Herdsman, and Public Relations Liaison. 

    Public Relations Operations
    Rainbow 6 Siege Final
            Many thanks to the participants of the FK R6:S Tourney! Commiserations to those who missed out on the final, @EHOPPPS Special Regiment and A White Engram, and commiserations to the Staff Team, Breadxit who fell at the final hurdle after a breath-takingly close match. Congratulations to Dynamic Warcrimes who after a shaky start won out in the final round possible, taking the spoils. Additionally, many thanks to those who volunteered their time as part of the production team: @Trinoc, Erwin, @Muhcreedy, Miiiish, JoeWaddy as our observer and @Deltabacon our producer and tournament admin.
    If you participated or spectated the competition at all, please leave some feedback (anonymously) in this form.
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    Trainer's Corner 

    Squad Lead Trainer's Announce New Training Methods
            A "Shadowing" Training session entails the Trainer taking the appropriate role (Team Lead or Squad Lead) and the Trainee as an attache. From there the Trainee shadows the Trainer and listens in to their communications (Local, Short Range and Long Range) and observes them in the role to see how and what decisions are made and how they conduct themselves. During this time it is highly encouraged the Trainee take notes and prepare questions for the feedback section (post mission debrief) where if needed the Trainer can answer questions on how they arrived at that decisions, what factors were they and why certain actions were taken.
    The purpose of this is to give another avenue of people going for Tags to understand what is required in a role and what to aim for in a practical sense, as this along side the usual training and feedback sessions should help people improve and get to the consistency that tags require.
    To request squad lead training or platoon training check out the training discord.

    Community News
    Balancing Arma3 on FK Servers
            Ever pick a gun out of the arsenal and then look at your weight and just say "there's no way it's that heavy!" Well, now thanks to the help of @johnb43 that hopefully will not be a problem on FK Arma3 Servers anymore! Earlier this week the CM team announced they would be rolling out changes in an effort to balance our mod-pack - among the changes made:
            - Added some new magazines, some from 'hidden' code
            - Changed lots of weapon and magazine weights to be more realistic or in line with each other
            - Added magazine compatibility to lots of weapons
            - Added some models to magazines so when you load them in certain weapons, they aren't invisible
            - Changed some models of some magazines
            - Changed some names and icons of items
            - Removed armor on non armored helmets
    And more - see the change log for a full list of changes. This is an ongoing effort to ensure that our servers are offering the most realistic but reasonable game play that is possible. Thanks again to johnb43 for his hard work and effort in this project. 

    Laser Engraved Dogtags 
        Longtime member, and now moderator @SilentGunner13 has taken the initiative to organize a group buy option for our very first FK Gaming branded Dog Tags! These dog tags are dual sided with the FK Gaming's official branded logo (Updated Version) with an option to have a custom inscription on one side. To order or learn more visit Silent's post.

    Upcoming Events
    FK Gaming Events are posted to the Calendar and also on our Discord. Be sure to keep an eye on both so you don't miss out on any events that you'd like to participate in!
    Friday 14/8/20 - Game Night: Among Us - Hosted by @Monocled Badger
    Saturday 15/8/20 - Contact Lost - (UK WW2) - 1st Main Mission - Hosted by @Sarissa
    Sunday 16/8/20 - Ace Medical System 101 (Rifleman's Guide) - Hosted by @Xenborg
    Saturday 22-8-20 - Basic Training 101 - Hosted by @Monocled Badger
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @Garfield 
    Another month come and gone. Thanks for reading! See you in the next INTREP - ❤️ Rhea

    INTREP 021

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,749 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Public Relations Operations
    INTREP Questionnaire
             Thank you so much for your feedback on the INTREP Questionnaire. After consideration from your feedback and feedback of the Public Relations Team and Staff Team, we've decided to stick with bi-weekly INTREPs. In additions, INTREPs will not be sent via E-mail notification but instead will be announced via our Twitter Account- if you are not already following and receiving notifications now might be a good time. In addition INTREPs have been and will continue to be announced via discord, ensure that you do not mute the "announcements" channel to get up-to-date announcements. 
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    Friday the 31st - Halo Custom Events - Hosted by @Spartan_MiniMe 
    Saturday the 1st - Basic Training - Hosted by @Monocled Badger
    Sunday the 2nd - Space Station 13 - Hosted by @Spalone
    Keep an eye on the FKGaming Event's Calendar for upcoming events and training! 
    Trainer's Corner
    New Trainers
             As always there have been great strides taken to ensure that training will be available to all who are interested in it. To this end- 4 new trainers have been appointed. @BonSie is joining the Fixed Wing Trainer team, @Wattsits is joining the Rotary Wing Trainer team and @OneMadPanda and @colt92 are joining the Armor Trainer team. Please give these guys some time to get settled into their new roles before poking them too much. If you have any questions regarding training materials visit our Guide Section, to request a training or evaluation please see our Training Section. Congratulations gentlemen- we have no doubts that you will perform well in your new roles. 
    Community News
             Docta has an update for us regarding the new patches: "So there has been some news! For those of you who wanted new patches, congratulations! An order has gone out for manufacture with velcro backing. As soon as they're in my possession I'll get into contact with all who requested them and start shipping! Should be about a week and change I'm thinking. I wanted to do the new ones first as a lot of the old patches are still in circulation and it only felt fair to get the new ones out first. However this is a much smaller production batch and as a result over half of the new patches are already spoken for so get those names in if you want one!" @Doctadoone to see the full thread, or order your own FK patch check out Docta's thread HERE.
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit - @Articwinter - "Untitled"
    As always, thanks for reading! - ❤️ Rhea

    INTREP 020

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,697 views
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Staff Directory Updated
             Our new Community Managers @Rabit Salvokelk, @Cyico, and @OneMadPanda have settled in nicely to their new roles. You can view specific tasks they are responsible for on the Staff Directory page. 
    Public Relations Operations
    Attention all Streamers
             The Public Relations Team wants to remind you to share your twitch handles! Also don't forget that you can share your clips on the twitch clips thread. We are always looking for great content to promote our community! Please keep in mind - to be a twitch streamer promoted by official FK Gaming accounts you must be following our Twitch Streamer Guidelines.
    Siege Tournament Update
             The Siege tournament has now moved into the playoff stages, with everything still to play for. The semi-final will be broadcast live this saturday on our Twitch channel, and if you would like further details, you can checkout the event details here.

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    Trainers Corner
    Badger needs more homework!
             Ever have a question about Arma but couldn't find an answer in the guides? @Monocled Badger is looking for your input. As a veteran, squad lead trainer, and basic trainer Badger is also known for his wide range of well written guides. Be sure to check out his thread here and contribute to the conversation!
    Awarded Tags
             Tags awarded from June 15th to July 14th. Congratulations and good work to all new tag holders!
    @kMaN - Medic , @NaWry - Fixed Wing Pilot , @L00_Cyph3r - Medic , @Slim - Medic , @OneMadPanda - Medic , @sh4rdknight - Medic , @andyt90 - Medic , @Jerichron - Squad Leader , @Vent - Team Leader , @Silberjojo - Squad Lead
    Reminder for anyone looking to obtain tags of any discipline to check out the training forums, and get in contact with trainers. 
    Team Lead and Squad Lead Refreshers
             Feeling like you could do with a refresh of your Squad Leading or Team Leading skills? The Squad Lead Trainers have recently added the option to ask for a review to their application form.  You can ask that the trainer focuses on something specific, like general planning, or you can leave it general.
    Community News
    Bored After Main Missions?
             For the past few months, a sizable group of FK member's have gathered in discord to share what they are playing after Main Missions. Whether they were gathering feedback about their RimWorld colonies, or asking for advice about their Elite Dangerous ship's build, or just enjoying watching others play - this new way of sharing content with others is fairly new to FK. For the longest time our "voice" channels on discord have gone empty as nearly everyone would rather speak on TeamSpeak than discord. Jump in sometime, and don't forget to mute so you're not transmitting your voice over both TS and Discord at the same time! Who knows, maybe you'll find a new game that you would enjoy! Not a member of our Discord? No problem- I've got you!
    Card's Against FK
             A while back our longtime tech @anden3 made this thread in search of community input into our new cards against FK pack. For thous of you unaware of what Card's against FK is- it is in essence a custom "cards against humanity" game mode that runs in your browser. Many laughs have been had over the years from our last pack, and hopefully many more to be had with our new pack! 
    Cover Photo Credit to @Sarissa "A Russian sniper lines up his shot." Posted to the Screen Shot Thread - 7/11/20
    To keep the INTREPs community focused I wanted to ask your opinions about how to move forward. If you have a moment please check out the INTREP Questionnaire. Any feedback will be appreciated! 
    Thanks again for reading! - ❤️ Rhea

    New Community Managers Announcement

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 1 comment, 5,323 views
    On Sunday, July 5th 2020  at 2pm BST, our new Community Managers were named!

    OneMadPanda, Rabit_Salvokelk & Cyico,
    congratulations on your appointment as Community Managers!
    An interview with the newest custodians of our community went live at the same time on our Youtube Channel, have a look and get to know our new Community Managers!
    Congratulations to our new Community Managers - and a thank you for all who applied. 
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