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  1. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "As the Clone Wars progressed, more and more ground-based legions found themselves pressed into space combat, including the fighting forces of the 501st. For months, every hour of our downtime was spent in the simulator, preparing for the time we would face our enemies from the cockpit of a 170. Finally the day came to earn our wings..." 501st Soldiers Journal. A Separatist Fleet is reinforcing Mygeeto!. The ongoing ground battle on the planet's surface has been disrupted by the arrival of new troops from the arriving Separatist Fleet, placing our position in this area in jeopardy. Your Task Force is assigned the goal of eliminating this fleet as it is stationed over this area of the Mygeetan City, unloading its deadly cargo. Engage the Separatist ships while they are in low atmosphere and occupied with covering their troops on the ground. All enemy ships must be eliminated if we hope to retain control of this region of the planet. FOR THE REPUBLIC! Destroy the Separatist Fleet reinforcing the planet. Engage and Destroy every Separatist Ship and transport attempting planetfall in this area or in the process of unloading troops. Destroy Separatist Ground Elements in the Area and bases established for Anti Air. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Star Wars universe The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods 3AS (Beta Test), JLTS, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Star Wars and Era based weaponry as well as some supplementary options and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure may be changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD (LAAT): PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) OPEN LAAT Gunner (Reg+) OPEN LAAT Gunner (Reg+) OPEN Red Squadron (Arc-170) (RPTR 1-1): RPTR Pilot/Lead (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) @Melo RPTR Pilot (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) @TacticalPanda RPTR Pilot (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) @Yung_Cider Blue Squadron (Y-Wing) (RPTR 1-2): Y-Wing Pilot/Lead (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) @info Y-Wing Gunner (Reg+) @Mingy Y-Wing Pilot (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) @LongLiveQuebec Y-Wing Gunner (Reg+) @Winters Y-Wing Pilot (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) @Silberjojo Y-Wing Gunner (Reg+) @riccardi48 Green Squadron (LAAT) (RPTR 1-3): LAAT Pilot (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) OPEN LAAT Gunner (Reg+) OPEN LAAT Gunner (Reg+) OPEN RPTR LAAT Pilot (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) OPEN LAAT Gunner (Reg+) OPEN LAAT Gunner (Reg+) OPEN Gold Squadron (Z-95 Headhunter) (RPTR 1-4): RPTR Pilot/Lead (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) @AntiMatter RPTR Pilot (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) @andyt90 RPTR Pilot (RPTR Pilot Tags ROTARY && FIXED, Officer) @TheSalader --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the following mods may be used in this mission. Legion Base - . 3AS - . JLTS - . Standard Scope Limit raised to 5x times magnification. Medics may take 3x Bacta Tanks from LFP for instant revive of injured soldiers regardless of wounds. Bacta Bandages may be taken as a replacement for Elastic Bandages with a significant increase to wound coverage with a similar wound reopening time. Star Wars Medical items aside from those mentioned in rules 8# and 9# may not be taken. RPTR: Flight Characteristics and Gameplay have been drastically changed from standard by WebKnights Avionics. Arc-170 Spacecraft are not permitted to take standard pylon weaponry aside from those provided in WebKnights Avionics. STDM Missiles should be taken for Arc-170s. Y-Wing Aircraft are not permitted to take Air to Air Guided Munitions aside from those provided by WebKnights Avionics. Bombs and unguided-Guided Air-Ground munitions are permitted. QAAM Missiles should be taken for Y-Wing. LAAT Gunships are not permitted to take Guided Munitions aside from those provided by WebKnights Avionics. Unguided munitions from non WebKnights Avionics are permitted. QAAM Missiles should be taken for LAAT. These rules are intended to take advantage of the changes to AI and spirit of dog-fighting encouraged by WebKnights Avionics. If there are perceived issues with the changes listed above please take it up with the event host. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. WBK Avionics can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WBK Avionics. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Star Wars universe will be played throughout the mission. RPTR G-forces have been disabled for these missions and G-force reducing uniforms/equipment should not be a consideration in setup time. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. RPTR: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset 30 GB.
  2. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ “The Australian troops are fighting magnificently and their training is far superior to ours.” Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. Mission Summary: Tobruk has fallen. Following the defeat of the Eighth Army in the Battle of Gazala, the retreat eastwards toward the Egyptian border left Tobruk isolated and subsequently captured. In response, General Auchinleck has adopted a strategy of delaying the Afrikacorps and its Italian allies by establishing an effective line of defense at El Alamein. The Qattara Depression effectively prevents Axis armor from maneuvering around the southern flank of our defenses, forcing German and Italian armor to confront our anti-tank positions head-on. Our role in this operation is to maintain defensive positions to the southwest of El Alamein and within the city itself, resisting German and Italian mechanized and airborne elements until relieved by Allied forces or until retreat from the town becomes inevitable. Objectives: 1. Defend the City of Town of El-Alamein from German Counterattack and capture. Defend against German attacks utilizing defensive positions located at the main Defensive Box to hold off the main German/Italian Advance. Defend the Town from defensive positions towards the south west of the Town and delay German/Italian entry to the town. This is the final line of defence before the town and the only means remaining before retreat will be needed. If Afrika Corps and Italian Army Elements reach the town retreat will be essential to preserve the Army from total destruction. Defend the Town and provide time for 8th Army Elements to evacuate essential equipment. OBJ-1: Main Defensive Box. Summary: The main Defensive Box occupies elevated terrain, providing a commanding view of the desert used by advancing German and Italian columns. To progress toward El Alamein itself, this strategic position must be seized by German/Italian forces to breach our first line of defence and reach the second line. Your mission is to hold the Defensive Box for as long as possible. The line has been reinforced with significant anti-air and anti-armour emplacements to give you a fighting chance against German and Italian advances. OBJ-2: Support Trenches. Summary: The Support Trenches serve as a second line of defence and supply point for the first defensive line. If it falls, the final line of defence will be El Alamein itself, fortifications have been established to the west of the town, creating a robust line of defense against advancing German and Italian forces. Anti-tank and anti-air emplacements are available to help repel attackers. OBJ-3: El Alamein. Summary: As a major Allied supply port, the port of Tobruk serves as a bulwark in itself. If fighting reaches this area, your mission is to hold off German and Italian advances for as long as possible. However, if it becomes apparent that defeat is inevitable and rescue or escape is impossible, surrender is preferable to the complete destruction of the Allied garrison. Mission Notes: CIVILIANS: Civilians will not be present withing the Area of Operations. RRR: Delivered by the logistics Element. ASSET RRR: Withdraw from front line and ping Zeus. RESPAWNS: Zeus Discretion will aim for 10x minutes between death and respawn to ensure large reinforcement waves and per the theme. SPECIAL CRITERIA: - RRR Delivered by the logistics Element. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, Operation Spearhead and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: @UNREALARCLITE CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @InZane 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Servok Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Rabit Salvokelk Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Sp4ceBunny [Reg+] 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD: Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment listed within the equipment list may be taken within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen and PLTN Actual are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is without Zeus permission is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by two members of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. SMGs For British Troops in North Africa are allowed up to 50Rnd Drum magazines. The MachineGunner in each squad takes the Bren Gun. Any Enemy Pistol looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation. Scoped weapons are not permitted unless listed explicitly on the weapons list. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time period depicted in mission. As the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: Riflemen: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Download Link Size: 58GB.
  3. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ “The Australian troops are fighting magnificently and their training is far superior to ours.” Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. Mission Summary: The Eighth Army has suffered defeat in the Battle of Gazala and is retreating eastwards toward the Egyptian border, leaving Tobruk isolated. Prime Minister Winston Churchill has emphasized the symbolic value of Tobruk, deeming its loss unacceptable. With vast stores of Allied munitions and arms still within the city, their capture by Axis forces would deal a devastating blow to Allied forces in the region and potentially enable an attack on Egypt. Therefore, Tobruk must be held until all munitions and personnel have been evacuated or a rescue operation can be executed. Our role in this operation is to maintain defensive positions to the southwest of Tobruk and within the city itself, resisting German and Italian mechanized and airborne elements until relieved by Allied forces or until surrender of the port becomes inevitable. Objectives: 1. Defend the City of Tobruk from German Counterattack and capture. Defend against German attacks utilizing defensive positions located at Fort Airenti to delay German/Italian Advance and provide time for evacuation to complete. Defend the City from defensive positions towards the west of the Town and delay German/Italian entry to the town. Defend the fortified port Area with significant Allied supplies/Munitions from German/Italian capture. OBJ-1: Fort Airenti. Summary: Fort Airenti currently occupies elevated terrain, providing a commanding view of the roads used by advancing German and Italian columns. To progress toward Tobruk itself, this strategic position must be seized by German/Italian forces to prevent rearward fire from the fort and disruptions to their supply chain. Your mission is to hold the fort for as long as possible, allowing Allied transport to evacuate munitions and personnel from the city and to delay any attack on Tobruk. While the fort may belong to another era, it has been reinforced with anti-air and anti-armour emplacements to give you a fighting chance against German and Italian advances. OBJ-2: Tobruk Trenchworks. Summary: Tobruk serves as a vital supply point for Allied forces in North Africa. If it falls, a substantial stockpile of supplies and munitions will be seized by the Axis, potentially leading to an attack on Egypt itself. To safeguard Tobruk, fortifications have been established to the west of the city, creating a robust line of defense against advancing German and Italian forces. Anti-tank and anti-air emplacements are available to help repel attackers, and if necessary, fighting may extend into the city itself. OBJ-3: Tobruk Port. Summary: As a major Allied supply port, the port of Tobruk serves as a bulwark in itself. If fighting reaches this area, your mission is to hold off German and Italian advances for as long as possible. However, if it becomes apparent that defeat is inevitable and rescue or escape is impossible, surrender is preferable to the complete destruction of the Allied garrison. Mission Notes: CIVILIANS: Civilians will not be present withing the Area of Operations. RRR: Delivered by the logistics Element. ASSET RRR: Withdraw from front line and ping Zeus. RESPAWNS: Zeus Discretion will aim for 10x minutes between death and respawn to ensure large reinforcement waves and per the theme. SPECIAL CRITERIA: - RRR Delivered by the logistics Element. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, Operation Spearhead and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @InZane [Reg+] 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Rabit Salvokelk Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Sp4ceBunny [Reg +] Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD: Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Valentine Mk III (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @L00_Cyph3r [Gunner Tags] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @colt92 KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) @Bashfulvideos P-40 KittyHawk (RPTR 1-1): RPTR Pilot/Lead (Fixed Wing Tags, Officer) @AntiMatter P-40 KittyHawk (RPTR 1-2): RPTR Pilot/Lead (Fixed Wing Tags, Officer) @UNREALARCLITE Logistics Team (Willys MB Mounted MG) (MRTR 2-1): KNGT Gunrunner Assistant/Lead (Reg+, Officer) OPEN KNGT Gunrunner (Reg+, Officer) @Panzerbaum Logistics Team (Willys MB Mounted MG) (KNGT 2-2): KNGT Gunrunner Assistant (Reg+, Officer) OPEN KNGT Gunrunner (Reg+, Officer) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment listed within the equipment list may be taken within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen and PLTN Actual are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is without Zeus permission is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by two members of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. SMGs For British Troops in North Africa are allowed up to 50Rnd Drum magazines. The MachineGunner in each squad takes the Bren Gun. Any Enemy Pistol looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation. Scoped weapons are not permitted unless listed explicitly on the weapons list. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time period depicted in mission. As the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: Riflemen: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Download Link Size: 58GB.
  4. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "December 22nd 1944 To the U.S.A. Commander of the encircled town of Bastogne. The fortune of war is changing. This time the U.S.A. forces in and near Bastogne have been encircled by strong German armored units. More German armored units have crossed the river Ourthe near Ortheuville, have taken Marche and reached St. Hubert by passing through Hompre-Sibret-Tillet. Libramont is in German hands. There is only one possibility to save the encircled U.S.A troops from total annihilation: that is the honorable surrender of the encircled town. In order to think it over a term of two hours will be granted beginning with the presentation of this note. If this proposal should be rejected one German Artillery Corps and six heavy A. A. Battalions are ready to annihilate the U.S.A. troops in and near Bastogne. The order for firing will be given immediately after this two hours' term. All the serious civilian losses caused by this artillery fire would not correspond with the wellknown American humanity. The German Commander." "December 22, 1944 To the German Commander, N U T S ! The American Commander" Mission Summary: On the morning of December 16, 1944, German Armed Forces launched an attack through the densely forested Ardennes region in Belgium and Luxembourg. The offensive aimed to halt Allied use of the Belgian port of Antwerp and to fracture the Allied lines, enabling the Germans to encircle and eliminate four Allied armies, thus pressuring the Western Allies to negotiate a peace treaty favorable to the Axis powers. To reach Antwerp before the Allies could regroup and unleash their superior air power, German mechanized forces needed to secure the roadways through eastern Belgium. With all seven main roads in the densely wooded Ardennes highlands converging on Bastogne (Bastnach in German), just a few miles from the border with Luxembourg, control of its crossroads became pivotal to the German strategy. Our role in this operation is to maintain defensive positions to the northwest of Bastogne, resisting German mechanized and armored elements until relieved by Allied forces. Objectives: 1. Defend the Town of Bastogne from German Counterattack and capture. Defend against German attacks utilizing defensive positions (DP) 1 through 12 towards the northwest for as long as possible or until relieved. Defend the Town for as long as possible or until relieved. Mission Notes: CIVILIANS: Civilians will not be present withing the Area of Operations. RRR: Delivered by the logistics Element. ASSET RRR: Withdraw from front line and ping Zeus. RESPAWNS: Zeus Discretion will aim for 10x minutes between death and respawn to ensure large reinforcement waves and per the theme. SPECIAL CRITERIA: - RRR Delivered by the logistics Element. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, Operation Spearhead and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: @UNREALARCLITE PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) @Legendo PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Muhcreedy Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @AntiMatter [Reg+] 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Bashfulvideos [Reg+] Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Deltabacon [Reg+] Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Zeusz77 [Reg+] Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD: Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) M1 81mm Mortar (MRTR 1-1): MRTR Assistant/Lead (MRTR Tags, Officer) @colt92 MRTR Gunner (MRTR Tags, Officer) @Servok M1 81mm Mortar (MRTR 1-2): MRTR Assistant (MRTR Tags, Officer) @riccardi48 MRTR Gunner (MRTR Tags, Officer) OPEN Logistics Team (Willys MB Mounted MG) (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Gunrunner Assistant/Lead (Reg+, Officer) @Winters KNGT Gunrunner (Reg+, Officer) @LilyBear Logistics Team (Willys MB Mounted MG) (KNGT 1-2): KNGT Gunrunner Assistant (Reg+, Officer) @Katla_Haddock KNGT Gunrunner (Reg+, Officer) @Life010 --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and Operation Spearhead mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is without Zeus permission is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by one member of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. SMGs For Americans are limited to 30Rnd Stick magazines. The AutoRifleman in each squad takes the Browning M1918A2 or BAR. The MachineGunner in each squad takes the Browning M1919A4/A6 or 30. cal. Any Enemy Pistol looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation. Scoped weapons are not permitted unless listed explicitly on the weapons list. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time period depicted in mission. As the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: AutoRifleman: Riflemen: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Download Link Size: 58GB.
  5. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ Mission Summary: Side: BLUFOR. Faction: US Armed Forces. Enemy Faction (OPFOR: Ultranationalist Militia (Gearscript). Armor: MRAPs, IFVs: BRDM-BTR80, BMP1 – BMP2, MBTs: T-72. AA: None. ROTARY: None. FIXED WING: None. ARTILLERY: Light Mortar Emplacements. BRIEF: Ultranationalist forces, supported by the Eastern Bloc, have launched an insurrection against the Romanian government in the western part of Romania, securing a large portion of territory in this district of the country. NATO elements in Europe have been requested to provide aid to contain the threat while mobilization occurs. US Expeditionary Forces have responded and are currently engaging in a delaying action in the area to deny or slow the Ultranationalist forces from gaining control of the region's infrastructure. Defence is being conducted across four key areas, which have been designated Objectives 1-4, each with respective areas of fortifications prefixed with 'DL' denoting defensive works. Objective #1: Nozyba. Objective #1 has been established closest to the current line of contact with Ultranationalist forces and is composed of Defence Lines 1 and 2 in that area. Expected Contact is to come from the North East along the primary MSR and through the fields towards the North East. Notes: Enemy Force will be attacking downhill into fortified positions. Visibility from DLs 1,2 Are good. RTO should make use of DL-2 or DL-1 for artillery calls due to excellent visibility. Armor and Mechanized are expected to advance Primarily from the north east as the town towards the southeast restricts movement. MRTR-1 a pre prepared fortification for MRTR will be available to the west. Objective #2: Industrial Plant. Objective #2 has been established on the outskirts of Nozyba within the Industrial area to provide a fallback position to Defense Line #1 and as a second line of defence if enemy forces penetrate the first line. Is composed of DLs 3-4. Expected Contact is to come from the direct East along the primary MSR and through the woods towards the North East at DL-3. Notes: Enemy Force will be attacking downhill into fortified positions. Visibility from DLs 3 and 4 and are good. RTO should make use of High points in the industrial zone for artillery calls due to excellent visibility. Falling back to OP-2-4 should be taken during a withdrawal to Objective #3 and a splitting of friendly forces. Armor and Mechanized are expected to advance from the east and to a lesser extend the north east axis's of attack. If OP-2-3 is lost expect enemy unity to cross the river west and engage from southwest. Resupply will be available from CP-1 and CP-2. Objective #3: Rostok. Defence line #3 has been established at the town of Rostok to provide a fallback position to Objective #2 and as the third line of defence if enemy forces penetrate the first and second lines. Expected Contact is to come from the direct East along the primary MSR and through the woods. Notes: - Enemy Force will be attacking across fields into fortified positions. - Visibility from DLs 5 and 6 is good. - Mines should be used to offset enemy movement. - Falling back to DLs 7 and 8 should be done in stages to allow prep time. - Armor and Mechanized are expected to advance from the MSR. Objective #4: Airfield. Objective #4 has been established on the outskirts of the airfield to provide a fallback position to Objective #3 as final line of defence if enemy forces penetrate the other Objectives. Is composed of DLs 10 through 12 and CP-4 in this area. Expected Contact is to come from the North East and East. Notes: - Enemy Force will be attacking across fields into fortified positions. - Visibility from DLs 10,11 are good. - Falling back to DL-12 and CP-4 should be taken during a fighting withdrawal through the airfield. - Resupply will be available from CP-4. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ EVENT SUMMARY: This is an event organized between FK Gaming and Unqualified Minds. This will be a heavily themed mission with a focus on defensive gameplay and maneuver The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 FK Standard Modset which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to role specific weaponry and will be limited to a select number of options to reduce prep time. Tags for applicable roles are not being enforced as this is a cooperative event and will be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure has been reduced to the 7x man template and PTLN structure has not been changed and will remain the same as in standard Main missions. Standard FK Rules apply unless otherwise specified. ++SLOTTING++ (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role, Reserved Person. CoZeus: @colt92 CoZeus: OPEN PLTHQ: PLTN Lead: @KingShibe PLTN 2ic: OPEN PLTN RTO: @riccardi48 PLTN Medic: OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead: @Veagance Alpha Squad Medic: OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader: OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman: (on the day) 3x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead: @andyt90 Bravo Squad Medic: OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader: OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 3x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead: OPEN Charlie Squad Medic: OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader: OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 3x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD: Delta Squad Lead: OPEN Delta Squad Medic: OPEN Delta Squad Team Leader: OPEN Delta Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 3x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Anti Armor Team (1-1): KNGT Assistant/Lead: OPEN KNGT Gunner: @AntiMatter Anti Armor Team (1-2): KNGT Assistant/Lead: OPEN KNGT Gunner: @TheSalader M2 Mortar (2-1): MRTR Assistant/Lead (MRTR Tags): @L00_Cyph3r MRTR Gunner (MRTR Tags): @Monocled Badger [Reg+] M2 Mortar (2-2): MRTR Assistant (MRTR Tags): OPEN MRTR Gunner (MRTR Tags): @Bashfulvideos --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the provided equipment list may be used within the mission. Squads are restricted to the use of LAT for this operation. Only Anti Armor Teams are permitted to bring HAT for this operation. Ammunition carried per individual is limited to 6+1 for Riflemen and 1400 Rounds of ammunition per AutoRifleman. 4 Grenades of types (Smoke, Fragmentation) may be carried by standard Riflemen, Medics, and AutoRiflemen. Squad Leads, PLTHQ and Team Leads may carry 6. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ Though you have been provided a equipment list at the bottom of this document you will notice that there are options regarding each type of equipment which may be taken. This list has been selected to provide a common ammunition type for primary weaponry and to allow sharing during mission as well as reduce prep time. Cosmetics may be taken for fields not covered by the equipment list as long as they remain in the style of force you are playing as and match with the camouflage which the PLTN is wearing. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Riflemen: AutoRiflemen: MRTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset (v2)
  6. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ “The August battles have done it and the enemy in the west has had it. . . . Two and a half months of bitter fighting have brought the end of the war in Europe in sight, almost within reach . . . ” ―General Dwight D. Eisenhower Mission Summary: After months of preparation, the joint British-American Operation Market Garden is ready to commence. Extensive fighting across Europe has significantly weakened the German war machine, and this operation's impact will bring the Allied forces closer to the heartland of Germany. Your platoon has been assigned the crucial task of securing the bridges in this region of Holland and fending off German counterattacks until XXX Corps can reach your positions. Local units of the French and Dutch resistance have been mobilized to secure your Landing Zones and will provide ongoing support throughout the operation. Additionally, Allied air support will be available on call for the duration of the mission. Objectives: 1. Secure a landing Zone and deploy paratroops. (Free French && Dutch Forces) Secure Le Champ De Trou and mark the LZ for incoming Allied Paradrops. Hold the Landing Zone against Axix counter attacks. 2. Secure the town and the Bridge crossings. Push Axis forces out of the nearby town and secure the bridges leading to the north. Eliminate AA sites as encountered to assist in RRR delivery and RPTR Airstrikes. 3. Secure the town and the bridge, and hold until relieved. Advance through Axis defenses to secure the town and both bridge entrances. Secure local command posts to delay or prevent a German counterattack aimed at retaking the bridge. Each captured command post will be rewarded with additional defensive equipment upon taking the town and bridge. Eliminate AA sites encountered to support RRR delivery and facilitate RPTR airstrikes. Mission Notes: CIVILIANS: Civilians will not be present withing the Area of Operations. RRR: Delivered with each reinforcement wave. ASSET RRR: Withdraw from front line and ping Zeus. RESPAWNS: Zeus Discretion will aim for 10x minutes between death and respawn to ensure large reinforcement waves and per the theme. SPECIAL CRITERIA: - RPTR will begin the mission delivering paratroops to the AO and drop zone following which they will switch into P-47 Thunderbolts. - French and Dutch resistance elements will not have a briefing time and will be immediatly in the AO as the template is loaded. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, Operation Spearhead and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: @UNREALARCLITE CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @riccardi48 PLTN 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) @LurkerOne PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @KingShibe Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Melo Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @SilentGunner13 Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD (Resistance): Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Silberjojo Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @colt92 Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @TheSalader 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (Resistance): Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Douglas C-47 Skytrain -> P-47 Thunderbolt (RPTR 1-1): RPTR Pilot/Lead (Fixed Wing Tags, Officer) @AntiMatter Douglas C-47 Skytrain -> P-47 Thunderbolt (RPTR 1-2): RPTR Pilot (Fixed Wing Tags, Officer) @Bashfulvideos --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and Operation Spearhead mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is without Zeus permission is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by one member of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. SMGs For Americans are limited to 30Rnd Stick magazines. The AutoRifleman in each squad takes the Browning M1918A2 or BAR. The MachineGunner in each squad takes the Browning M1919A4/A6 or 30. cal. Any Enemy Pistol looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation. Scoped weapons are not permitted unless listed explicitly on the weapons list. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time period depicted in mission. As the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: AutoRifleman: Riflemen: Resistance: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Download Link Size: 58GB.
  7. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you." ―General Dwight D. Eisenhower's Order of the Day (1944) Mission Summary: On June 6th, 1944, Operation Neptune commenced. The mission: to liberate Western Europe from the German War Machine. Your platoon has been assigned to the Omaha sector of the beach landings, tasked with assaulting and securing this part of the German coastal defenses. Your objective extends inland to secure the town of Saint Laurent-sur-Mer and eliminate the artillery stationed there, which threatens not only your beach sector but also neighboring areas. Unfortunately, the tanks designated to assist in the beach landings are unable to approach due to strong waves. Your immediate task is to advance on foot, bypass the German barricades and razor wire obstructing the beach, and clear the galleries and fortifications covering the shoreline. Once this is accomplished, armored support will aid in your push inland to secure the town. The success of the Allied landings in this area hinges on your efforts. Nothing less than complete victory is acceptable... Objectives: 1. Secure a landing Zone and Foothold on the beach. Reach the landing zone and disembark. Reach the shingle at the end of the beach. Use Bangalore torpedos to breach the razorwire barricade preventing movement off the beach. 2. Assault the German Coastal Fortifications and defences. Secure the fortifications below the cliff and the small town. Secure the fortifications atop the cliff. Destroy any Anti Air or anti ship emplacements found. 3. Secure the town of Saint Laurent-sur-Mer and the Artillery Battery. Secure the Artillery Battery and the accompanying fortifications. Spike any Artillery found to prevent recapture. Secure the town and hold position on critical road junctures. Mission Notes: CIVILIANS: Civilians will not be present withing the Area of Operations. RRR: Delivered with each reinforcement wave. ASSET RRR: Withdraw from front line and ping Zeus. RESPAWNS: Zeus Discretion will aim for 10x minutes between death and respawn to ensure large reinforcement waves and per the theme. SPECIAL CRITERIA: KNGT will not begin the mission with their assets and will be operating as a standard infantry element until the beach is cleared. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, Operation Spearhead and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @KingShibe [Reg +] PLTN 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Oszur ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Legendo Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Melo Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @riccardi48 1x Alpha Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Veagance Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Eaglestrike [Reg+] LOCKED Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @BadBarry [Reg+] 1x Bravo Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD: Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Delta Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) M4 Sherman (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @LurkerOne [Reg +] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @L00_Cyph3r KNGT Loader (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) OPEN KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) @Garfield [Reg +] M4 Sherman (KNGT 1-2): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @Monocled Badger [Reg +] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @SGz_Eliminated KNGT Loader (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) OPEN KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and Operation Spearhead mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is without Zeus permission is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by one member of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. SMGs For Americans are limited to 30Rnd Stick magazines. Squads may issue a flamethrower as a rifleman operated weapon under the same rules as Designated Marksman. The AutoRifleman in each squad takes the Browning M1918A2 or BAR. The MachineGunner in each squad takes the Browning M1919A4/A6 or 30. cal. Any Enemy Pistol looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time period depicted in mission. As the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: AutoRifleman: Riflemen: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Download Link Size: 58GB.
  8. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "First, I want you to go to the Jedi Temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate; show no mercy." ―Darth Sidious to his new apprentice Darth Vader Order 66 has been executed, following an executive order delivered directly from the Chancellor's Office to all active branches of the GAR. The Jedi have been officially declared enemies of the Republic, and their elimination is deemed necessary to secure the safety of the New Galactic Order. A detachment from the 501st Legion has already commenced operations on Coruscant, but it is imperative to secure all other Jedi Order bases. Your detachment has been tasked with securing the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine and eradicating the Jedi presence on the planet. Our fleet elements have established a blockade around the planet, but the planetary shields, controlled by the Dantooine Planetary Defense Forces, also known as "The Khoonda Militia," are obstructing our efforts to seize control of the Jedi Enclave and its surroundings. Your mission objectives are to eliminate the militia forces guarding the Enix Relay, disable the shield protecting the Jedi Temple, and eliminate the remaining Temple Guard and Jedi Knights safeguarding the temple. No Jedi are to be spared... FOR THE CHANCELLOR! Objectives: Push through Khoonda Militia Elements and secure the Enix Relay Facility deactivating the shield guarding the Jedi Temple/Enclave. Assault the Jedi Temple/Enclave and eliminate any and all Temple Guard and Jedi within the temple. Prevent/Intercept and attempt by the Jedi to escape the planet. Mission Notes: CIVILIANS: Yes Avoid Civilian Deaths unless in conflict with specified conditions of Order 66. RRR: Air Delivered via LAAT. ASSET RRR: Withdraw from frontline and ping Zeus. RESPAWNS: Zeus Discretion will aim for 5x mins between death and respawn. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Star Wars universe The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods 3AS (Beta Test), JLTS, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Star Wars and Era based weaponry as well as some supplementary options and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure may be changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @EpsilonNiner [Reg+] Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (ARC): Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) (on the day) Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) (on the day) Delta Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) (on the day) Delta Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE) (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @colt92 KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @TheSalader KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the following mods may be used in this mission. Legion Base - . 3AS - . 212th - . JLTS - . Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. All weapons , uniforms, vests, helmets and other equipment from the 501st mod - are prohibited. One squad deployable energy shield (Under Grenades) is permitted per squad. Two personal energy shields (Under Grenades) or hand held riot shields are permitted per squad. Rifleman mag size limit raised to 60 rounds per magazine. Standard Scope Limit raised to 5x times magnification. Medics may take 3x Bacta Tanks from LFP for instant revive of injured soldiers regardless of wounds. Bacta Bandages may be taken as a replacement for Elastic Bandages with a significant increase to wound coverage with a similar wound reopening time. Star Wars Medical items aside from those mentioned in ruless 8# and 9# may not be taken. SLs are allowed to designate one Trooper within their squad as a Jet Trooper allowing them to take a JLTS Jump Pack. Multi-shot grenade launcher ammunition is prohibited for all units, except for ARC and Commando Troops. MAT Magazine limit due to PLX Launcher mag Size being 3 rockets per mag is reduced to 2 magazines or 6 rockets in total. Thermal Scopes in the DMR role are permissible. ARC Squads are permitted to take up to 18.1x Scopes in the DMR role. Republic Commandos are permitted to take up to 100x Magazines in mission. RPTR: Flight Characteristics and Gameplay have been drastically changed from standard by WebKnights Avionics. Arc-170 Spacecraft are not permitted to take standard pylon weaponry aside from those provided in WebKnights Avionics. Y-Wing Aircraft are not permitted to take Guided Munitions aside from those provided by WebKnights Avionics. Bombs and unguided munitions are permitted. LAAT Gunships are not permitted to take Guided Munitions aside from those provided by WebKnights Avionics. Unguided munitions from non WebKnights Avionics are permitted. These rules are intended to take advantage of the changes to AI and spirit of dog-fighting encouraged by WebKnights Avionics. If there are perceived issues with the changes listed above please take it up with the event host. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Star Wars universe will be played throughout the mission. Keybinds for JLTS Jetpacks and Webknight's Melee may be found under Options -> Controls -> Configure Addons -> JLTS Jumppacks && Webknights's Melee. Delta Squad will only be formed if both Bravo and Alpha squads are filled, and there are enough players present (16+). However, if the total number of players exceeds 23+, there will be a limit on the number of players assigned to Delta Squad, and the remaining players will be allocated to other squads with first choices for the Squad being taken from Charlie. RPTR G-forces have been significantly reduced for these missions and G-force reducing uniforms/equipment should not be a consideration in setup time. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads, Drone Operator, PLTNHQ Riflemen: Medics: Riflemen: AutoRiflemen: Galactic Marine Trooper: ARC Trooper: Republic Commando: KNGT Crew: RPTR: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset 52GB.
  9. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?" "It is critical we send an attack group there immediately." "He's right. It's a system we cannot afford to lose." ―Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mace Windu, and Obi-Wan Kenobi Kashyyyk under Siege! The Confederacy forces, led by the relentless General Grievous, have launched a full-scale invasion of Kashyyyk in the Outer Rim. Their goal is to exploit the planet's abundant resources and deny the Republic a potential ally in this region. In a desperate plea for assistance, the Wookiees have reached out to the Republic to defend their homeworld. The response has come in the form of a task force, with none other than Jedi Grand Master Yoda leading the charge. The Republic is now coordinating with their new Wookiee allies to protect the heartlands of Kashyyyk, particularly the sacred Wroshyr trees where the Wookiees build their cities. Your mission is to defend the gorge in this sector from CIS attacks and prevent their forces from breaching the final layer of defense around the river basin. FOR THE REPUBLIC! ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Star Wars universe The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods 3AS (Beta Test), JLTS, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Star Wars and Era based weaponry as well as some supplementary options and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure may be changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/FAC (PLTN 2ic/FAC TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (ARC): Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) (on the day) Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) (on the day) Delta Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) (on the day) Delta Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @Mingy [Reg+] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @TheSalader KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the following mods may be used in this mission. Legion Base - . 3AS - . 212th - . JLTS - . Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. All weapons , uniforms, vests, helmets and other equipment from the 501st mod - are prohibited. One squad deployable energy shield (Under Grenades) is permitted per squad. Two personal energy shields (Under Grenades) or hand held riot shields are permitted per squad. Rifleman mag size limit raised to 60 rounds per magazine. Standard Scope Limit raised to 5x times magnification. Medics may take 3x Bacta Tanks from LFP for instant revive of injured soldiers regardless of wounds. Bacta Bandages may be taken as a replacement for Elastic Bandages with a significant increase to wound coverage with a similar wound reopening time. Star Wars Medical items aside from those mentioned in ruless 8# and 9# may not be taken. SLs are allowed to designate one Trooper within their squad as a Jet Trooper allowing them to take a JLTS Jump Pack. Multi-shot grenade launcher ammunition is prohibited for all units, except for ARC and Commando Troops. MAT Magazine limit due to PLX Launcher mag Size being 3 rockets per mag is reduced to 2 magazines or 6 rockets in total. Thermal Scopes in the DMR role are permissible. ARC Squads are permitted to take up to 18.1x Scopes in the DMR role. Republic Commandos are permitted to take up to 100x Magazines in mission. RPTR: Flight Characteristics and Gameplay have been drastically changed from standard by WebKnights Avionics. Arc-170 Spacecraft are not permitted to take standard pylon weaponry aside from those provided in WebKnights Avionics. Y-Wing Aircraft are not permitted to take Guided Munitions aside from those provided by WebKnights Avionics. Bombs and unguided munitions are permitted. LAAT Gunships are not permitted to take Guided Munitions aside from those provided by WebKnights Avionics. Unguided munitions from non WebKnights Avionics are permitted. These rules are intended to take advantage of the changes to AI and spirit of dog-fighting encouraged by WebKnights Avionics. If there are perceived issues with the changes listed above please take it up with the event host. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Star Wars universe will be played throughout the mission. Keybinds for JLTS Jetpacks and Webknight's Melee may be found under Options -> Controls -> Configure Addons -> JLTS Jumppacks && Webknights's Melee. Delta Squad will only be formed if both Bravo and Alpha squads are filled, and there are enough players present (16+). However, if the total number of players exceeds 23+, there will be a limit on the number of players assigned to Delta Squad, and the remaining players will be allocated to other squads with first choices for the Squad being taken from Charlie. RPTR G-forces have been significantly reduced for these missions and G-force reducing uniforms/equipment should not be a consideration in setup time. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads, Drone Operator, PLTNHQ Riflemen: Medics: Riflemen: AutoRiflemen: Galactic Marine Trooper: ARC Trooper: Republic Commando: KNGT Crew: RPTR: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Updated 67GB -> 52GB.
  10. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Loose lips [might] sink ships." —Wartime propaganda slogan. The year is 1944 The Germans have been using the Air Field at Vinjesvingen in Occupied Norway to launch attacks on Allied shipping transiting the North Sea. Command has authorized a drop of US paratroopers into the area to neutralize the Air Field and remove the disruption to Allied shipping in the area. The Anti Air threat at the Air Field prevents a direct drop as such a drop will be conducted further to the north near FOB Abo. Paratroopers will secure vehicles from the FOB proceed south to the Air Field and neutralize it. Once the base has been secured all aircraft and infrastructure must be destroyed at which point nearby allied transports will move in to pickup the paratroops. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, CSA38 and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @LurkerOne [Reg+] PLTN 2ic/Radioman (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Melo 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @TrainDoctor [Reg+] 1x Bravo Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad AutoRifleman: (on the day) 3x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Douglas C-47 Skytrain (RPTR 1-1): RPTR Pilot/Commander (RPTR PILOT Tags, Officer) @Griffin68965 Douglas C-47 Skytrain (RPTR 1-2): KNGT Pilot (RPTR PILOT Tags, Officer) @Root --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and CSA 38 mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by one member of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. The AutoRifleman in each squad takes the Browning M1918A2 or BAR. The MachineGunner in each squad takes the Browning M1919A4/A6 or 30. cal. Any Axis Pistol looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time period depicted in mission. As the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: AutoRifleman: Riflemen: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  11. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Your name is unknown. Your deed is immortal." —Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Moscow). Video Pending... It has been nearly three months since Army Groups North, Center and South were ordered to commence offensive operations into Soviet-occupied Poland and it is now early Autumn. The Luftwaffe's continued campaign has devastated enemy infrastructure and air power and the enemy has wasted precious manpower on futile counter attracts. Command has relocated our unit to the assistance of Army Group North on its continued push through Soviet Territory and and its rapid approach of Leningrad. The Objective of this operation is the town of Kaaranmannikko which is currently serving as a hub for Soviet troops in the area. Friendly units are already pushing through this area so the primary focus for the platoon should be towards securing the town of Kaaranmannikko and eliminating Soviet troops in its area. To support in this operation command has allocated two Panzer IV Ausf Cs and in response to encounters with semi automatic rifles in Soviet possession command has chosen your platoon as a test bed for the new G-43 Rifle for immediate issue to ground elements. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, CSA38 and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/Radioman (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Root Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf C (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @LurkerOne [NO TAGS] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @L00_Cyph3r KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf C (KNGT 1-2): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) OPEN KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @Phanos KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and CSA 38 mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by one member of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. Two G43 Rifles may be issued to each member of a squad at SL discretion. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time period depicted in mission. As the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: Riflemen: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  12. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "No one foot of our land will be given to the enemy." —Joseph Stalin, July 3, 1941, In a radio address to the USSR. It has been nearly a month since Army Groups North, Center and South were ordered to commence offensive operations into Soviet-occupied Poland. The Luftwaffe's has devastated enemy infrastructure and air power and the enemy has wasted precious manpower on futile counter attracts. Command has relocated our unit to the assistance of Army Group Center on its continued push through Poland and its rapid approach of the USSR Border. The Objective of this operation is the town of Kurozweki which is currently serving as a hub for Soviet troops in the area. Friendly units are already pushing through this area so the primary focus for the platoon should be towards securing the town and eliminating Soviet troops in its area. To support in this operation command has allocated two Panzer IV Ausf Cs and air support is on standby in a Ju-87 Stuka. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, CSA38 and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/Radioman (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Peterowsky 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf C (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @LurkerOne [NO TAGS] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @AntiMatter [NO TAGS] KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf C (KNGT 1-2): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @Monocled Badger [NO TAGS] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @colt92 KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN Junkers Ju 87 (RPTR 1-1): RPTR Pilot/Lead (RPTR Pilot Tags, Officer) @info RPTR Gunner (RPTR Pilot Tags, Specialist) @L00_Cyph3r --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and CSA 38 mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by one member of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time period depicted in mission. As the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: Riflemen: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  13. until
    This event is hosted for the purpose of raising funds for the following charity. https://www.projecthope.org/crisis-in-ukraine-how-to-help/02/2022/ Donation Link: https://tiltify.com/@deltabacon/fk-gaming- stands-with-ukraine ++MISSION BRIEFING++ This event revolves around two player controlled fleets using the Naval Legends mod engaging and competing with one another over a series of game modes and challenges. This event is will include TvTvE elements meaning there will be a focus on fleet vs fleet engagements in the majority of game modes included in this event with some AI to engage for each side. Game modes will be selected on a voting basis and a description of each game mode will be made before each round of voting. Participation in this event and its game modes are À la carte and players may drop in and out before and after each round per their desire to keep playing or ability to join. Players however who reserve initial slots will be required to participate in at least the first round of the event. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, CSA38 and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War in addition to the purposes of the game modes to be played during the course of the event. GAME MODES: Domination: Each Fleet must secure the majority of three objective areas to win the round. To Secure an objective area there must be at least one ship inside its capture zone. Each objective area must be held for 5x mins before capture is complete. In order to contest one team capturing an objective the opposing team must have at least one ship in the capture area. After each objective area is taken a new objective will be created to capture. If the entirety of either team is eliminated the round will automatically go to the opposing side. Skirmish: Locate and eliminate the entirety of the opposing fleet. If a single vessel is left on either side and engagement is not made within 5-10 mins the round will end with the win going to the fleet with the most ships. Respawns for each vessel lost respawn will be conducted 20 mins after death. Capital Capture: Each Fleet must eliminate the opposing fleets capital ship to win. If a single vessel is left on either side and engagement is not made within 5-10 mins the round will end with the win going to the fleet with the most ships. Respawns for each vessel lost respawn will be conducted 20 mins after death. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) ++US/UK SLOTTING++ US FLEET LR Radio: FLEET COM 69: ZEUS COM 67: FLEET FLAGSHIP - (HMS Hood): FLAGHQ Admiral (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @Legendo [NO TAGS] FLAGHQ Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) @colt92 FLAGHQ Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN FLAGHQ Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA HEAVY DESTROYER- (USS Sims): ALPHA Captain (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN ALPHA Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) @TheFantasticFlyingTaco [NO TAGS] ALPHA Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) @Melo ALPHA Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN BRAVO DESTROYER- (HMS Foxhound): BRAVO Captain (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN BRAVO Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) OPEN BRAVO Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN BRAVO Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN CHARLIE DESTROYER- (HMS Foxhound): CHARLIE Captain (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN CHARLIE Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) OPEN CHARLIE Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN CHARLIE Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN DELTA DESTROYER- (HMS Foxhound😞 DELTA Captain (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN DELTA Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) OPEN DELTA Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN DELTA Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN RPTR AIR SQUADRON - (3x F6F Hellcat Interceptor OR 3x TBF Torpedo Bomber): RPTR Pilot/Lead (Fixed && Rotary Tags, Officer) @info RPTR Pilot (Fixed && Rotary Tags, Officer) @KingShibe [NO TAGS] RPTR Pilot (Fixed && Rotary Tags, Officer) @Root EXTRA CREW: 18x Crew (Any) DAY OF EVENT --US/UK SLOTTING-- ++JAPAN SLOTTING++ JAPAN FLEET LR Radio: FLEET COM 68: ZEUS COM 67: FLEET FLAGSHIP - (KMS Scharnhorst): FLAGHQ Admiral (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN FLAGHQ Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) OPEN FLAGHQ Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) @Conga Line of Neckbeards FLAGHQ Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA HEAVY DESTROYER- (IJN Fubuki): ALPHA Captain (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @AngryScottishMan ALPHA Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) OPEN ALPHA Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN BRAVO DESTROYER- (IJN Mutsuki): BRAVO Captain (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN BRAVO Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) OPEN BRAVO Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN BRAVO Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN CHARLIE DESTROYER- (IJN Mutsuki): CHARLIE Captain (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN CHARLIE Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) OPEN CHARLIE Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN CHARLIE Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN DELTA DESTROYER- (IJN Mutsuki😞 DELTA Captain (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN DELTA Gunnery Officer (KNGT Gunner Tags, Officer) OPEN DELTA Helmsman (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN DELTA Naval Surgeon (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN RPTR AIR SQUADRON - (3x A6M2 Zero Interceptor OR 3x Nakajima B5N Torpedo Bomber): RPTR Pilot/Lead (Fixed && Rotary Tags, Officer) @riccardi48 RPTR Pilot (Fixed && Rotary Tags, Officer) @L00_Cyph3r [NO TAGS] RPTR Pilot (Fixed && Rotary Tags, Officer) @AntiMatter [NO TAGS] EXTRA CREW: 18x Crew (Any) DAY OF EVENT ++JAPAN SLOTTING++ --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and CSA 38 mods may be used within the mission. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT will be disabled and unit map markers removed. GPS Devices may still be taken. Weapons in the primary weapons slot are prohibited. Only Ship Captains are permitted to carry LR Radios. Intentional Kamikaze Strikes whether by ship or by air are considered intentional mission disruption and will be punished accordingly. Enemy Airfields may not be attacked unless explicitly allowed by the Active Zeus/Command. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions each vessel will have its inventory filled with medical supplies. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT US/UK++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. Uniforms and Vests are already applied for each class and do not need modification unless otherwise specified in equipment lists. Admiral/Captain: Medic: Crew: RPTR Crew: --EQUIPMENT US/UK-- ++EQUIPMENT Japan++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. Uniforms and Vests are already applied for each class and do not need modification. Admiral/Captain: Medic: Crew: RPTR Crew: --EQUIPMENT Japan-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  14. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would at least make a favourable reference to the Devil". —Winston Churchill Saturday, 21 June 1941. Three hours ago the combined elements of Army Groups North, Center and South were ordered to commence offensive operations into Soviet-occupied Poland. The Luftwaffe has commenced its bombing campaign and assured total Air superiority for the duration of the operation. Our orders are to secure the river crossings along the Py river in Baranow and to defeat Soviet units guarding the approach to the designated crossing area. Soviet forces have concentrated their defence around the town of Little Wawel and the surrounding area with a light armoured presence and infantry with little motorized or mechanized support. To achieve this operation two Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf Cs have been assigned to your platoon as well as support from the Luftwaffe in a Ju-87 Stuka. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, CSA38 and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @LurkerOne [NO TAGS] PLTN 2ic/Radioman (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Servok Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Melo [NO TAGS] Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Peterowsky 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @KingShibe [NO TAGS] Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) @Colek [NO TAGS] Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) 1x Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf C (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @colt92 KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @L00_Cyph3r KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) @OneMadPanda Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf C (KNGT 1-2): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @Silberjojo KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @Conga Line of Neckbeards KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) @Yung_Cider [NO TAGS] Junkers Ju 87 (RPTR 1-1): RPTR Pilot/Lead (RPTR Pilot Tags, Officer) @riccardi48 RPTR Gunner (RPTR Pilot Tags, Specialist) @P057code [NO TAGS] --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and CSA 38 mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by one member of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time depicted in mission as the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: Riflemen: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  15. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Helsreach this is the Crusader we are breaking from the planet the orbital war is lost . . . Hell is coming brother . . . " —High Marshal Helbrecht aboard the Eternal Crusader in Armaggedon Orbit, Transmission to Reclusiarch Grimaldus 998.M41 As of 6 hours ago the combined elements of Battlefleet Armageddon and the Astartes Elements remaining in orbit have retreated from Armageddon in a fighting withdrawal. Greenskin lander craft charitably called as such have been raining down across much of the southern Kintyre peninsula. As of this moment, Greenskin forces have been contained for the most part have been contained to the south. This will inevitably change in the face of enemy numbers and continued landings in the surrounding area. For now, arms and materiel continue to pour into Hive Helsreach via Campbell Town a vital supply port to and has been assigned vital importance to its the defence of Helsreach high command. For now, your platoons orders are to defend towards the Southwest of Campbell town and defend the primary route leading to the city "Affectionately" named by the men "Hells Highway"... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Warhammer 40k Universe. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods There is Only War, Imperial Conquest and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Warhammer 40k/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the 40k universe. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/Commissar (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD (Steel Legion) Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Servok Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer): @Whitelock [NO TAGS] Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Bashfulvideos Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (Kasrkin) Delta Kasrkin Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Silberjojo Delta Kasrkin Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Delta Kasrkin Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Kasrkin ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Kasrkin: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Kasrkin ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Kasrkin : (on the day) ECHO CRUSADER SQUAD (Astartes) (10 Equipment Points) Echo Sword Brother (Squad Lead) (SL TAGS) @OneMadPanda Echo Squad Apothecary (MEDIC TAGS) @SilentGunner13 Echo Squad Initiate (Regs+) @Melo Echo Squad Initiate (Regs+) @TheFantasticFlyingTaco Echo Squad Initiate (Regs+) @AngryScottishMan Astartes Equipment Guide: Knight Errant of House Mortan (Stormseer) KNGT Pilot/Lead (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @colt92 KNGT Mechanicus Maintenance Adept (Regs+, Specialist) @LurkerOne KNGT Mechanicus Maintenance Adept (Regs+, Specialist) @Fred --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Rifleman mag size limit raised to 60 rounds per magazine for those without Las weaponry. Rifleman mag size limit removed for those with Las weaponry. Riflemen Limit for bandages is increased to 8x. Flamers(Flamethrowers) are prohibited in mission. Explosive Ammunition, Inferno Rounds or other non-standard ammunition may be taken only if explicit permission is given by the Event Owner. PLTN Commander, PLTN 2ic/Commissar, Squad Leads, Asset Leads, and Asset Crews may take invisible radio backpacks for aesthetic purposes. PLTN Commander only with Dual authorization of the acting PLTN Commissar may order the Full Advance/Charge of the Platoon. Only One ShockTrooper per squad may take from the provided ShockTrooper Weaponry. Only one Meltabomb may be taken by per squad. Plasma Gun Bearers may only take up to three overcharged plasma flasks. PLTN Members are permitted to take only 2x FRAG and 2x KRAK Grenades per person out of the spawn area. PLTN Commissar is permitted to bring a melee weapon or a secondary firearm in their inventory. ASTARTES Elements are independent of PLTHQ Command however may be requested to assist the platoon in particular actions. ASTARTES Elements are permitted to take thermal compatible scopes and vision devices. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ PLTN Commissar is responsible for the moral and mental well being of the platoon. (Note: This can be done via RP if desired EX: Extoll the glory of the imperium, Deride the Enemy, Inspire otherwise keep an eye on the state of the Platoon EX: Bring Resupplies to the troops, hand out "Medals" etc). The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. The Imperial Conquest Mod Weaponry Muzzle attached bayonets do function as stated in note #3. Where roles overlap (EX: A Medic in a Kasrkin Squad) they may choose from both equipment lists. Whilst the environment of the 40k setting may cause some to believe the mission to be less serious. Outright reckless actions that disrupt the mission flow/enjoyment for others will be treated as mission disruption and be punished accordingly. To assist medics with the statistically higher rate of injury present within these missions medical settings will be changed to reduce PAK and STITCH times and PLTNHQ will be given at the beginning of the mission medical supplies to distribute throughout the mission. ASTARTES Squads operate by a points system to configure squad structure and equipment found HERE. ASTARTES are recommended to take a "No Head" Option in the Face options of the arsenal to avoid technical issues with the ASTARTES head appearing below their legs. Any Missions which include ASTARTES Elements will have stamina disabled for technical reasons. ORK Nobz ARE NOT killed by raw damage but by VOLUME FIRE as they do not take standard ACE damage and instead have a fixed health pool. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead, Squad Leads: Squad Leads(Steel Legion): Commissar: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Imperial Knight Pilot: KNGT Crew: Mechanicus Maintenance Adept: Kasrkin: ShockTroopers: Medics: Steel Legionaries: Guardsmen: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  16. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Helsreach this is the Crusader we are breaking from the planet the orbital war is lost . . . Hell is coming brother . . . " —High Marshal Helbrecht aboard the Eternal Crusader in Armaggedon Orbit, Transmission to Reclusiarch Grimaldus 998.M41 As of 6 hours ago the combined elements of Battlefleet Armageddon and the Astartes Elements remaining in orbit have retreated from Armageddon in a fighting withdrawal. Greenskin lander craft charitably called as such have been raining down across much of the southern Kintyre peninsula. As of this moment, Greenskin forces have been contained for the most part have been contained to the south. This will inevitably change in the face of enemy numbers and continued landings in the surrounding area. For now, arms and materiel continue to pour into Hive Helsreach via Campbell Town a vital supply port to and has been assigned vital importance to its the defence of Helsreach high command. For now, your platoons orders are to defend towards the Southwest of Campbell town and defend the primary route leading to the city "Affectionately" named by the men "Hells Highway"... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Warhammer 40k Universe. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods There is Only War, Imperial Conquest and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Warhammer 40k/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the 40k universe. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/Commissar (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD (Steel Legion) Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer): OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (Kasrkin) Delta Kasrkin Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Kasrkin Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Delta Kasrkin Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Kasrkin ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Kasrkin: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Kasrkin ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Kasrkin : (on the day) ECHO CRUSADER SQUAD (Astartes) (10 Equipment Points) Echo Sword Brother (Squad Lead) (SL TAGS) OPEN Echo Squad Apothecary (MEDIC TAGS) OPEN Echo Squad Devastator (Regs+) OPEN Echo Squad Initiate (Regs+) OPEN Echo Squad Initiate (Regs+) OPEN Astartes Equipment Guide: Knight Errant of House Mortan (Stormseer😞 KNGT Pilot/Lead (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) OPEN KNGT Mechanicus Maintenance Adept (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN KNGT Mechanicus Maintenance Adept (Regs+, Specialist) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Rifleman mag size limit raised to 60 rounds per magazine for those without Las weaponry. Rifleman mag size limit removed for those with Las weaponry. Riflemen Limit for bandages is increased to 8x. Flamers(Flamethrowers) are prohibited in mission. Explosive Ammunition, Inferno Rounds or other non-standard ammunition may be taken only if explicit permission is given by the Event Owner. PLTN Commander, PLTN 2ic/Commissar, Squad Leads, Asset Leads, and Asset Crews may take invisible radio backpacks for aesthetic purposes. PLTN Commander only with Dual authorization of the acting PLTN Commissar may order the Full Advance/Charge of the Platoon. Only One ShockTrooper per squad may take from the provided ShockTrooper Weaponry. Only one Meltabomb may be taken by per squad. Plasma Gun Bearers may only take up to three overcharged plasma flasks. PLTN Members are permitted to take only 2x FRAG and 2x KRAK Grenades per person out of the spawn area. PLTN Commissar is permitted to bring a melee weapon or a secondary firearm in their inventory. ASTARTES Elements are independent of PLTHQ Command however may be requested to assist the platoon in particular actions. ASTARTES Elements are permitted to take thermal compatible scopes and vision devices. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ PLTN Commissar is responsible for the moral and mental well being of the platoon. (Note: This can be done via RP if desired EX: Extoll the glory of the imperium, Deride the Enemy, Inspire otherwise keep an eye on the state of the Platoon EX: Bring Resupplies to the troops, hand out "Medals" etc). The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. The Imperial Conquest Mod Weaponry Muzzle attached bayonets do function as stated in note #3. Where roles overlap (EX: A Medic in a Kasrkin Squad) they may choose from both equipment lists. Whilst the environment of the 40k setting may cause some to believe the mission to be less serious. Outright reckless actions that disrupt the mission flow/enjoyment for others will be treated as mission disruption and be punished accordingly. To assist medics with the statistically higher rate of injury present within these missions medical settings will be changed to reduce PAK and STITCH times and PLTNHQ will be given at the beginning of the mission medical supplies to distribute throughout the mission. ASTARTES Squads operate by a points system to configure squad structure and equipment found HERE. ASTARTES are recommended to take a "No Head" Option in the Face options of the arsenal to avoid technical issues with the ASTARTES head appearing below their legs. Any Missions which include ASTARTES Elements will have stamina disabled for technical reasons. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead, Squad Leads: Squad Leads(Steel Legion): Commissar: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: KNGT Crew: Kasrkin: ShockTroopers: Medics: Steel Legionaries: Guardsmen: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  17. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ Grimaldus: "Princeps Zarha Helsreach calls for you . . . will you walk?" . . . Zarha: "Invigilata . . . will walk . . . " —Reclusiarch Merek Grimaldus and Princeps Majoris Zarha Mancion, Meeting between the Black Templars and Legio Invigilata 998.M41 9 Days...these are our best estimates for the time in which our void borne forces will be able to delay the enemy planetfall following the fighting withdrawal of Battlefleet Armaggedon and The Astartes battlegroups in the void the enemy will be able to land wherever and whatever they please. In preparation for this climactic struggle, the surface of Armageddon must be secured in its totality the Mechanicus has reported that one of their field sites has come under the attack of ash waste gangers and rogue pdf troops and do not wish to risk their Titans before the coming struggle. Your forces are hereby ordered to move south and relieve the Mechanicus FOB and retake control of nearby Guard outposts in preparation for the coming battle. Move swiftly men...we are running out of time. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Warhammer 40k Universe. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods There is Only War, Imperial Conquest and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Warhammer 40k/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the 40k universe. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/Commissar (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN RTO (RTO TAGS, Specialist) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD (Steel Legion😞 Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer): OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (Kasrkin😞 Delta Kasrkin Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Kasrkin Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Delta Kasrkin Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Kasrkin ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Kasrkin: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Kasrkin ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Kasrkin : (on the day) ECHO CRUSADER SQUAD (Astartes😞 Echo Sword Brother (SL TAGS) OPEN Echo Squad Apothecary (MEDIC TAGS) OPEN Echo Squad Initiate (Regs+) OPEN Echo Squad Initiate (Regs+) OPEN Echo Squad Initiate (Regs+) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Rifleman mag size limit raised to 60 rounds per magazine for those without Las weaponry. Rifleman mag size limit removed for those with Las weaponry. Riflemen Limit for bandages is increased to 8x. Flamers(Flamethrowers) are prohibited in mission. Explosive Ammunition, Inferno Rounds or other non-standard ammunition may be taken only if explicit permission is given by the Event Owner. PLTN Commander, PLTN 2ic/Commissar, Squad Leads, Asset Leads, and Asset Crews may take invisible radio backpacks for aesthetic purposes. PLTN Commander only with Dual authorization of the acting PLTN Commissar may order the Full Advance/Charge of the Platoon. Only One ShockTrooper per squad may take from the provided ShockTrooper Weaponry. Only one Meltabomb may be taken by per squad. PLTN Members are permitted to take only 2x FRAG and 2x KRAK Grenades per person out of the spawn area. PLTN Commissar is permitted to bring a melee weapon or a secondary firearm in their inventory. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ PLTN Commissar is responsible for the moral and mental well being of the platoon. (Note: This can be done via RP if desired EX: Extoll the glory of the imperium, Deride the Enemy, Inspire otherwise keep an eye on the state of the Platoon EX: Bring Resupplies to the troops, hand out "Medals" etc). The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. The Imperial Conquest Mod Weaponry Muzzle attached bayonets do function as stated in note #3. Where roles overlap (EX: A Medic in a Kasrkin Squad) they may choose from both equipment lists. Whilst the environment of the 40k setting may cause some to believe the mission to be less serious. Outright reckless actions that disrupt the mission flow/enjoyment for others will be treated as mission disruption and be punished accordingly. To assist medics with the statistically higher rate of injury present within these missions medical settings will be changed to reduce PAK and STITCH times and PLTNHQ will be given at the beginning of the mission medical supplies to distribute throughout the mission. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead, Squad Leads: Commissar: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: KNGT Crew: Kasrkin: ShockTroopers: Medics: Guardsmen: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  18. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "I walked the broken battlefields until my boots were wet with blood. I am not ashamed to say that I cried salt tears onto the earth as the scale of the devastation crushed my spirit. All around me were the pitiful moans of those who fell in that titanic confrontation. Helsreach was my baptism. I walked from it a changed man." —General Brost Jagg of the VII Armageddon Hive Rats 999.M41 It has been exactly 57 standard years since the Second War for Armageddon and the attempt by Ork Warboss Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka to seize the planet of Armageddon in an apocalyptic WAAAGH! which brought ruin to much of the planets infrastructure, heavy industry and population. Since the previous war, Ghazghkull has not been idle after decades of planning and testing Imperial defences and succeeded in unifying dozens of Ork tribes and even contingents from several different Ork empires, a level of unity among the greenskins that had never been faced by the Imperium before. Ghazghkull has returned 57 years to the day for his long sought after rematch. The massive trade and industrial output of Armageddon makes it a vital part of the Imperium, particularly for the tightly settled worlds of the Segmentum Solar, the very heart of human-settled space and has been placed at high priority for its defence. In preparation for this climactic struggle, the surface of Armageddon must be secured in its totality the forces of the Disgraced former Planetary Governor Herman von Strab still control some areas of the planet and refuse to comply with The Governing Council of Armageddon. These forces must be eliminated before the construction of anti-orbital batteries in the area can commence and must be eliminated with all possible expediency The Emperor Protects... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Warhammer 40k Universe. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods There is Only War, Imperial Conquest and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Warhammer 40k/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the 40k universe. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @LurkerOne [NO TAGS] PLTN 2ic/Commissar (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) @colt92 [ARMOR LEAD TAGS] PLTN RTO (RTO TAGS, Specialist) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Fred [NO TAGS] Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Melo Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @Rtiler96 1x Alpha Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Alpha Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer): OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Bravo Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Charlie Squad ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Guardsmen: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (Kasrkin): Delta Kasrkin Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Silberjojo Delta Kasrkin Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Myshinka_ Delta Kasrkin Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @Prometheus13 1x Delta Squad Kasrkin ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Kasrkin: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 1x Delta Squad Kasrkin ShockTrooper: (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Kasrkin : (on the day) Leman Russ Vanquisher (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander/Lead (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) OPEN KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @Jacob_Waltz KNGT Hull Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @SAUCEGODISHALL KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) @L00_Cyph3r Leman Russ Vanquisher (KNGT 1-2): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) OPEN KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) OPEN KNGT Hull Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) OPEN KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Rifleman mag size limit raised to 60 rounds per magazine for those without Las weaponry. Rifleman mag size limit removed for those with Las weaponry. Riflemen Limit for bandages is increased to 8x. Flamers(Flamethrowers) are prohibited in mission. Explosive Ammunition, Inferno Rounds or other non-standard ammunition may be taken only if explicit permission is given by the Event Owner. PLTN Commander, PLTN 2ic/Commissar, Squad Leads, Asset Leads, and Asset Crews may take invisible radio backpacks for aesthetic purposes. PLTN Commander only with Dual authorization of the acting PLTN Commissar may order the Full Advance/Charge of the Platoon. Only One ShockTrooper per squad may take from the provided ShockTrooper Weaponry. Only one Meltabomb may be taken by per squad. PLTN Members are permitted to take only 2x FRAG and 2x KRAK Grenades per person out of the spawn area. PLTN Commissar is permitted to bring a melee weapon or a secondary firearm in their inventory. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ PLTN Commissar is responsible for the moral and mental well being of the platoon. (Note: This can be done via RP if desired EX: Extoll the glory of the imperium, Deride the Enemy, Inspire otherwise keep an eye on the state of the Platoon EX: Bring Resupplies to the troops, hand out "Medals" etc). The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. The Imperial Conquest Mod Weaponry Muzzle attached bayonets do function as stated in note #3. Where roles overlap (EX: A Medic in a Kasrkin Squad) they may choose from both equipment lists. Whilst the environment of the 40k setting may cause some to believe the mission to be less serious. Outright reckless actions that disrupt the mission flow/enjoyment for others will be treated as mission disruption and be punished accordingly. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead, Squad Leads: Uniform: Cadian Fatigues (green). Cadian Fatigues w. Greaves (green). Vest: Officer Flak Armor (green). Light Flak Armor (green). Flak Armor (green). Flak Armor w. Bandolier (green). Helmet: Officer Cap (green). Cadian Helmet (green). Primary: M36 Kantrael Lasgun/Rifle. Voss Pattern Lasgun. Agripinaa Ptrn. Type III Autogun. Combat Shotgun. Secondary: Kantrael Pattern Laspistol. Kantrael MG Defender Laspistol. Bolt Pistol (Decorated && Non-Decorated). Stub Pistol. Melee: Chainsword. Chainsword 2. Sapper Shovel. Power Sword 1. Power Sword 2. Power Maul. Commissar: Uniform: Commissar Uniform. Vest: Melee Holster. Helmet: Commissar Cap. Secondary: Kantrael Pattern Laspistol. Kantrael MG Defender Laspistol. Bolt Pistol (Decorated && Non-Decorated). Stub Pistol. Plasma Pistol. Melee: Chainsword. Chainsword 2. Sapper Shovel. Power Sword 1. Power Sword 2. Power Maul. Commissar Power Saber. FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Uniform: Cadian Fatigues (green). Cadian Fatigues w. Greaves (green). Vest: Light Flak Armor (green). Flak Armor (green). Flak Armor w. Bandolier (green). Helmet: Cadian Helmet (green). Primary: M36 Kantrael Lasgun/Rifle. Voss Pattern Lasgun. Agripinaa Ptrn. Type III Autogun. Combat Shotgun. Secondary: Kantrael Pattern Laspistol. Kantrael MG Defender Laspistol. Bolt Pistol (Non-Decorated). Stub Pistol. Melee: Chainsword. Chainsword 2. Sapper Shovel. KNGT Crew: Uniform: Crew Fatigues (green). Crew Fatigues (green, shirt). Vest: Flakweave Vest. Helmet: Tanker Cap. Primary: M36 Kantrael Lasgun/Rifle. Voss Pattern Lasgun. Agripinaa Ptrn. Type III Autogun. Combat Shotgun. Secondary: Kantrael Pattern Laspistol. Kantrael MG Defender Laspistol. Stub Pistol. Melee: Chainsword. Chainsword 2. Sapper Shovel. Kasrkin: Uniform: Cadian Fatigues (green). Vest: Kasrkin Carapace Armor (green). Helmet: Kasrkin Helmet (green). Backpack: Kasrkin Power Pack (green). Primary: Ryza Pattern Hellgun. DMR: Longlas. Secondary: Kantrael Pattern Laspistol. Kantrael MG Defender Laspistol. Bolt Pistol (Non-Decorated). Stub Pistol. Melee: Chainsword. Chainsword 2. Sapper Shovel. ShockTroopers: Uniform: Cadian Fatigues w. Greaves (green). Vest: Light Flak Armor (green). Flak Armor (green). Flak Armor w. Bandolier (green). Helmet: Cadian Heavy Helmet (green). Primary: M35 Magnacore Pattern Plasmagun. Grenade Launcher. Meltagun. M36 Kantrael Lasgun/Rifle. Voss Pattern Lasgun. Combat Shotgun. Secondary: Kantrael Pattern Laspistol. Kantrael MG Defender Laspistol. Bolt Pistol (Non-Decorated). Stub Pistol. Melee: Chainsword. Chainsword 2. Sapper Shovel. Medics: Uniform: Cadian Fatigues (green). Vest: Medicae Flak Armor (green). Helmet: Medicae Cadian Helmet. Primary: M36 Kantrael Lasgun/Rifle. Voss Pattern Lasgun. Agripinaa Ptrn. Type III Autogun. Combat Shotgun. Secondary: Kantrael Pattern Laspistol. Kantrael MG Defender Laspistol. Stub Pistol. Melee: Chainsword. Chainsword 2. Sapper Shovel. Guardsmen: Uniform: Cadian Fatigues (green). Vest: Light Flak Armor (green). Flak Armor (green). Flak Armor w. Bandolier (green). Helmet: Cadian Helmet (green). Primary: M36 Kantrael Lasgun/Rifle. Voss Pattern Lasgun. Agripinaa Ptrn. Type III Autogun. Combat Shotgun. DMR: Longlas. Secondary: Kantrael Pattern Laspistol. Kantrael MG Defender Laspistol. Stub Pistol. Melee: Chainsword. Chainsword 2. Sapper Shovel. Launcher: Death Korps Missile Launcher. Cadian Rocket Launcher. Accatran AT Launcher. Accatran AA Launcher. General Equipment: NVGs: Photo-Visor. Bionic Eye (Basic). Bionic Eye #2(Basic). Facewear: [Imperium] Rebreather (green). [Imperium] Rebreather (white). Long Range Radio Backpack: Vox Caster. --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  19. Jerichron

    Arma 3 FK WW2 (Berlin)

    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ -This is a priority message from Red Army High command- - The war is nearing its end men and we will be the ones to strike its final blow the Seelow heights fell under the combined might of our advance and now we stand in the downtown area of Berlin. The final steps of our victory are now being taken and its greatest act has been given to you the Headquarters of the Wehrmacht itself. - -High Command cannot allow any delay in the advance which would allow German forces the chance to regroup and have ordered a full advance from our forces in order to seize the defenses leading to the German HQ and the HQ itself. Primary Objectives are as follows 1st - SECURE THE TWO FLAK TOWERS BETWEEN YOUR FORCES AND THE GERMAN HQ - 2ND SECURE THE GERMAN HIGH COMMAND BUILDING AND RAISE THE RED FLAG ON ITS ROOF -- -For this operation, your platoon has been transported to Berlin with the intent of dislodging the German forces from the flak towers leading towards the German HQ and to seize the HQ itself and raise the Red Flag on its roof.- -This operation is to be undertaken as soon as the aforementioned forces can be assembled and have arrived in the area...command out.- ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the second world war. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mod Iron Front and using elements from the mod Faces of War which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Squad composition for this mission will, for this mission, be the reverted to the previous standard in FK missions which will be 7 Soldiers per squad this is being done due to the nature of the mission and my desire to make use of more lead elements in this situation. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2 based weaponry and will be restricted to per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. As well the standard ruleset for FK will be in place and any violations of said ruleset will result in your immediate ejection from the event and subsequent barring from any future events of this kind. ++RESTRICTIONS++ 1st. SR Radios are prohibited and only LR Radios may be carried by only the Radioman role. 2nd. GPS, NVDs and vanilla mine detectors are prohibited. 3rd. No drawing on the map after the briefing. 4th. No modern looking items. 5th. Tracking will be disabled. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAGHOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: -PLTN 1st Lieutenant (PLTN TAGS): -PLTN 2nd Lieutenant (PLTN 2IC TAGS): -PLTN Radioman (REGS+): -PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS): ALPHA SQUAD: -ALPHA Sergeant (SL TAGS): -ALPHA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @FelixMcgee (FNG) -ALPHA Radioman (2IC TAGS): -ALPHA Machine gunner (REGS+): -ALPHA Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+): -ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): @square_cookies -ALPHA Rifleman (REGS+): BRAVO SQUAD: -BRAVO Sergeant (SL TAGS): -BRAVO Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -BRAVO Radioman (2IC TAGS): -BRAVO Machine gunner (REGS+): -BRAVO Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+): -BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+): -BRAVO Rifleman (REGS+): CHARLIE SQUAD: -CHARLIE Sergeant (SL TAGS): -CHARLIE Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -CHARLIE Radioman (2IC TAGS): -CHARLIE Machine gunner (REGS+): -CHARLIE Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+): -CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+): -CHARLIE Rifleman (REGS+): DELTA SQUAD: -DELTA Sergeant (SL TAGS): -DELTA Medic (MEDIC TAGS): -DELTA Radioman (2IC TAGS): -DELTA Machine gunner (REGS+): -DELTA Machine gunner Assistant (REGS+): -DELTA Rifleman (REGS+): -DELTA Rifleman (REGS+): SNIPER TEAM (PRHT): -PRHT Sniper (PRHT TAGS): @Val3ntine -PRHT Radioman/Spotter (REGS+): JS-122 (KNGT 1-1): -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): @ZeFlyingDutchman (NO TAGS) -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): @RedNexus (NO TAGS) -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @BestTrap (NO TAGS) SPG SU-85 (KNGT 1-2) -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): @Txtspeak (NO TAGS) --SLOTTING-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Platoon Leads: Uni: SOV RKKA Uniform (Starshiy Leutenant) Vest: SOV Field Officer Set. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Squad Leads: Uni: SOV RKKA Inset Pocket (Serzha nt). Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Radio Operators: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: RA Radio. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Medics: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: SOV Medical Satchel. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Machine Gunners: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: DP, DT. Anti-Tank Troops: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PPsh-41, Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Launcher: Any Allied Launcher. Riflemen: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: Mosin Nagant, SVT-40. Snipers: Uni: SOV RKKA Spring. Vest: SOV Matching Belt. Backpack: Any Russian Backpack. Helmet: SOV RKKA M35 Side Cap, SOV RKKA M-40 Helmet. Primary: PTRD-41, Mosin Nagant. --EQUIPMENT-- RULES SUMMARY: 1. FK Arma Rules are in effect and any breach of them not cleared by the event host or a present admin will be punished. 2. Only era accurate and faction based weaponry is to be used for this operation. 3. Any failure to take the mission seriously or to troll in any way will result in a kick from the server and barring from future events of this kind. 4. Additional restrictions may be applied in the mission by the event host and or Zeus and any attempt to avoid and or supplant new restrictions will be met with previously mentioned punishments. MISSION REQUIREMENTS: The modset is subject to change and will be finalized before the event with an announcement. MODSET: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NaNCNzspQGrzdxrz5I9jXrwbN6XR9y4l/view?usp=sharing - Download the modset and drag into the arma launcher with no mods loaded or open with a web browser.
  20. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "A true man does not only stand up for himself, he stands up for those that do not have the ability to." —William Lyon Mackenzie King. The Allied landings in Normandy on June 6th have thus far been a success Beachheads have been established at Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword beaches. We are moving inland to link up with other allied beachheads and secure critical infrastructure and objectives. Our objective in assistance for the push on Caen will be to secure the French port of Campbeltown. The German Garrison in the town has put up stiff resistance on our approach and Recon has provided us with objectives to bring the town under our control. The industrial area is occupied by German Armor and all attempts thus far to push them out have been unsuccessful. The residential areas to the north and south have significant German infantry dug in and in good cover. And the Docks must be secured to allow allied shipping to supply the growing frontline. To assist in these objectives Tanks have been provided to support the urban advance and AVRE equipped Churchills have been brought forward. Good luck gentlemen and Godspeed. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ Video Brief Pending... So tired.... MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods IFA3 AIO, Faces Of War, CSA38 and Improved Melee System which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Second World War based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @Sarissa [2ic Tags] PLTN 2ic/Radioman (PLTN 2ic TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) Alpha Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) Bravo Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Machine Gunner: (on the day) Charlie Squad Machine Gunner Assistant: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN 4x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Churchill Mark IV (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @Bashfulvideos [Reg+] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @L00_Cyph3r KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN Churchill Mark IV (AVRE) (KNGT 1-2): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @LurkerOne [Reg+] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @colt92 KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) @Wheezy --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and CSA 38 mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited (RPTR Elements Exempt). Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Rifle Grenades are permitted to be taken by one member of each Squad. Only PLTHQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. The MachineGunner in each squad takes the Bren Mk II. Any Axis Pistol looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Propaganda and other potentially sensitive material may be shown in mission associated with the time period and governments depicted. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist medics with the lower carry capacity of the equipment present within these missions squads are encouraged to carry increased Medical Fluid EG: Saline. Weapons or equipment listed as Pending... are currently left out per the time period depicted in mission. As the campaign progresses more equipment will be introduced. To assist players in adapting to a setting where short range radios are restricted and to help Squad Leads manage their elements the following is recommended reading. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Machine Gunner: Riflemen: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  21. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Of course, that's all Harvest is today...it's hell down there." —James G. Cutter - Captain - Spirit of Fire - February 4th, 2531. 5 years into the campaign to regain control of the Harvest colony the origin point of the Human Covenant war the UNSC Spirit of Fire and her crew have been tasked with investigating Covenant activity in the planets polar regions after major gravimetric anomalies were discovered by the ships AI Serina. Sgt. Forge has been providing recon of the Area and after regaining control of Sword base a major alien structure has been discovered currently being excavated by covenant forces in the area. A task group has been assembled to take control of the site and remove the covenant threat to the Colony. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Halo Game Series The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Halo Series based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @KingShibe [Reg+] PLTN 2ic/RTO (PLTN 2ic/RTO TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Sarissa [Reg+] Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Melo Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @TheFantasticFlyingTaco Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @Eaglestrike [Reg+] Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Veagance Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) PRHT Recon Team: PRHT Spotter (PRHT Spotter TAGS, Officer) @colt92 PRHT Sniper (PRHT Sniper TAGS, Officer) @LurkerOne M808B/M Scorpion MBT (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @Jacob_Waltz [Gunner Tags] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @L00_Cyph3r KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Specialized Ordnance, 1st MEU, Operation Arsenal mods may be used within the mission. Any Covenant Weapon looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation and appropriate Role is taken. Rifleman && Crew mag size is raised to 60 rounds per magazine in these missions. Spartan Laser is to be treated as HAT and restricted to one mag before rearm is required. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Riflemen: AutoRiflemen: ODSTs: MRTR Crew: PRHT: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  22. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "The Journey requires sacrifice!...Set the charges. Return to us!" —Prophet of Regret - Unknown Location - February 4th, 2531. The covenant Dig Site has been secured, Sgt Forge and Professor Anders have moved deep into the facility to investigate the alien technology at the site and the Covenant's interest in the facility. However upon reaching the apparent control room of the facility until now concealed covenant units on a clear suicide mission revealed themselves. They cut off the facility once again with Sgt Forge and Professor Anders inside as well as planting explosives to destroy the facility. A rescue team has been dispatched to the area however the explosives must first be deactivated by units remaining inside the facility. Following this, extraction must be organized whilst the facility is held against incoming Covenant reinforcements. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Halo Game Series The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Halo Series based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: @colt92 PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/RTO (PLTN 2ic/RTO TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @usedstarfighter [Reg+] Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @Eaglestrike [Reg+] Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) PRHT Sniper Team: PRHT Spotter (PRHT Spotter TAGS, Officer) OPEN PRHT Sniper (PRHT Sniper TAGS, Officer) @AntiMatter Dismounted (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @LurkerOne [Reg+] KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @TheSalader KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Specialized Ordnance, 1st MEU, Operation Arsenal mods may be used within the mission. Any Covenant Weapon looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation and appropriate Role is taken. Only one Covenant Weapon may be equipped or looted at a time per rifleman. Rifleman && Crew mag size is raised to 60 rounds per magazine in these missions. Spartan Laser is to be treated as HAT and restricted to one mag before rearm is required. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Halo universe will be played throughout the mission. To further play into the theme of the environment and to assist with medical treatment in mission all Players are recommended to take [1st MEU] Biofoam Canister's as a replacement to standard packing bandages. They are more effective than standard bandages and are only available in this setting. Please read carefully when adding to your inventory as other mods Biofoam options do not function as well or at all. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Riflemen: AutoRiflemen: ODSTs: MRTR Crew: PRHT: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  23. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Aye, sir. Crazy mystery trip to Arcadia plotted in." —Serina - Spirit of Fire shipboard AI - February 4th, 2531. Upon the discovery of an astronomical map directed at the planet of Arcadia within the covenant dig site, the Spirit of Fire has relocated to the planet only to discover that a covenant fleet has reached the planet ahead of you and has begun a surface invasion of the human colony on the world. Scattered communications on the planet have pinpointed a team of Spartan IIs assisting in the evacuation of the civilian populace in one of Arcadia's major cities and you have thus been dispatched to assist a priority asset. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Halo Game Series The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Halo Series based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) @LurkerOne [Reg+] PLTN 2ic/RTO (PLTN 2ic/RTO TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Sarissa [Reg+] Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @Eaglestrike [Reg+] Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Red Team (SPARTAN-II Program): Red Team Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Servok 4x Echo Spartan: (on the day) D77H-TCI/AV Pelican (RPTR 1-1): RPTR Pilot (Rotary Pilot Tags, Officer) @L00_Cyph3r RPTR WSO (Rotary Gunner Tags, Specialist) @TheSalader [Reg+] D77H-TCI/AV Pelican (RPTR 1-2): RPTR Pilot (Rotary Pilot Tags, Officer) OPEN RPTR WSO (Rotary Gunner Tags, Specialist) OPEN --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Specialized Ordnance, 1st MEU, Operation Arsenal mods may be used within the mission. Any Covenant Weapon looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation and appropriate Role is taken. Only one Covenant Weapon may be equipped or looted at a time per rifleman. Rifleman && Crew mag size is raised to 60 rounds per magazine in these missions. Spartan Laser is to be treated as HAT and restricted to one mag before rearm is required. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Halo universe will be played throughout the mission. To further play into the theme of the environment and to assist with medical treatment in mission all Players are recommended to take [1st MEU] Biofoam Canister's as a replacement to standard packing bandages. They are more effective than standard bandages and are only available in this setting. Please read carefully when adding to your inventory as other mods Biofoam options do not function as well or at all. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Riflemen: AutoRiflemen: ODSTs: Spartan II: MRTR Crew: PRHT: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  24. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "The war with the humans will require a great deal many more machines than we can currently muster." —Prophet of Regret - Unknown Location - February 10th, 2531. Following the evacuation of major civilian population centres on the planet the UNSC ships, Spirit of Fire, Armstrong and Pillar of Autumn as well as surface forces can turn their attention to Covenant activity on the planet. Primary Covenant forces in this area are concentrated in the mountainous northern region which is currently being protected by a large energy shield supplied by three sites in the surrounding area. To learn what is happening in this area the energy shield must be brought down... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Halo Game Series The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Halo Series based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: @LurkerOne PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/RTO (PLTN 2ic/RTO TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Sarissa Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @Eaglestrike [Reg+] Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Red Team (SPARTAN-II Program): Red Team Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Legendo 2x Echo Spartan: (on the day) M494 Oryx IFV (KNGT 1-1): KNGT Commander (KNGT Commander Tags, Officer) @colt92 KNGT Gunner (KNGT Gunner Tags, Specialist) @Jacob_Waltz KNGT Driver (KNGT Driver Tags, Specialist) OPEN AV-14 Hornet (RPTR 1-1): RPTR Pilot (Rotary Pilot Tags, Officer) @L00_Cyph3r --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Specialized Ordnance, 1st MEU, Operation Arsenal mods may be used within the mission. Any Covenant Weapon looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation and appropriate Role is taken. Only one Covenant Weapon may be equipped or looted at a time per rifleman. Rifleman && Crew mag size is raised to 60 rounds per magazine in these missions. Spartan Laser is to be treated as HAT and restricted to one mag before rearm is required. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Halo universe will be played throughout the mission. To further play into the theme of the environment and to assist with medical treatment in mission all Players are recommended to take [1st MEU] Biofoam Canister's as a replacement to standard packing bandages. They are more effective than standard bandages and are only available in this setting. Please read carefully when adding to your inventory as other mods Biofoam options do not function as well or at all. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Riflemen: AutoRiflemen: ODSTs: Spartan II: MRTR Crew: PRHT: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
  25. until
    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "You will come with me..." —Arbiter upon the abduction of Prof. Anders- Unknown Location - February 14th, 2531. During the investigation of the Covenant Scarab wreckage, Professor Anders has been abducted by covenant forces and pursued by the Spirit of Fire to an M-Class planet in unknown space. Anders's transponder beacon points to a location on the planet's surface however before any rescue attempt can be made FOB must be established on the planet's surface. ODST recon teams with Elephant heavy transports have been deployed to the surface however electromagnetic interference has for now blocked communication with these elements. Reestablish communications with our recon groups and establish a FOB in this area so a rescue attempt may be undertaken... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Halo Game Series The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Halo Series based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: @LurkerOne PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/RTO (PLTN 2ic/RTO TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Sarissa Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @Oszur Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Bravo Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Bravo Squad Rifleman: (on the day) CHARLIE SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Charlie Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD (ODST): Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Servok Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) @SilentGunner13 Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @colt92 Delta Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) @Prometheus13 Delta Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Charlie Squad Rifleman: (on the day) --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Specialized Ordnance, 1st MEU, Operation Arsenal mods may be used within the mission. Any Covenant Weapon looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation and appropriate Role is taken. Only one Covenant Weapon may be equipped or looted at a time per rifleman. Rifleman && Crew mag size is raised to 60 rounds per magazine in these missions. Spartan Laser is to be treated as HAT and restricted to one mag before rearm is required. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Halo universe will be played throughout the mission. To further play into the theme of the environment and to assist with medical treatment in mission all Players are recommended to take [1st MEU] Biofoam Canister's as a replacement to standard packing bandages. They are more effective than standard bandages and are only available in this setting. Please read carefully when adding to your inventory as other mods Biofoam options do not function as well or at all. Infantry engaging or expected to engage Elites or Spartans during operations are suggested to bring a decent amount of (HV, AP or Slug Ammunition) and to aim for the head. Elites or Spartans do not typically die quickly once unconscious from small arms fire best practice is to down enemy heavy infantry ensure sufficient damage and move on. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Riflemen: AutoRiflemen: ODSTs: Spartan II: MRTR Crew: PRHT: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset
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